✰ Love Interest

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A/N: I'm back from my hiatus! Thanks for everyone who sent my messages of support; My post schedule should be going back to normal :)


Reader's POV;

This continued for several weeks, with you working for Alaric Kami.

The last couple of days, you felt... Strange, in a way, whenever you saw your boss. Even though you would spend nearly 12 hours with him, and never felt that way before. It was like you suddenly became anxious and your stomach started fluttering when you saw the dark-haired male.

Right now, it was the beginning of a Friday, a beautiful day, no signs of rain or any bad weather. You were inside an elevator, about to deliver your boss's daily coffee. The elevator doors parted, revealing a tall man sitting behind a wood desk, doing what seemed like paperwork.

He looked up when he noticed you enter, setting his pen down. "Good morning, Y/N," he said, in his unique accent.

"Hi, Mr. Alaric," you say softly, walking up to his desk. Placing a plate with a coffee cup on his desk, avoiding his eyes. Whenever you looked at him directly, it was like butterflies barged into your stomach and decided to live there, rent-free, for the next hour.

Your boss noticed your avoiding gaze. "Y/N, you seem to be making an effort so you won't have to look at me. Why are you doing this? I apologize if I did something to make you feel uncomfortable," he said, his tone steady and wary.

You lift your eyes slightly, looking at his face. "N-No... You didn't do anything, Mr. Alaric. I just.. Have been feeling a little off, whenever I look at you," you said, then quickly made an act to change your words, "It's not your fault, of course!! Probably just some allergy that's in your clothing."

Alaric raised an eyebrow. "I see. I'll have my clothes changed as soon as can be."

You nod quickly, "O-Okay, thanks, Mr. Alaric. I'll.. Go organize the files now-" You made an evident effort to walk casually away, though you were pretty much just scrambling away.

Getting into the elevator, you lean against the back wall of said lift. Your cheeks pink, you mutter, "Do I... Like Mr. Alaric?"


Alaric's POV;

I burried my head into my hands, allowing an exasperated sigh to escape my lips. Why... I never did any favors or went out of my way to fix someone else's problem, such as change my five thousand dollar suit for something else. All my suits were made of the exact same material, but I agreed to help Y/N, for her convenience...?

My mother is going to visit me tomorrow to see if I'm... Interested in anyone. I had been single for my entire life, in spite of the numerous females sending me marriage requests, and to get together with someone... So I would have an heir.

Y/N, her beautiful self, inside and out, I really couldn't stand to see her with other men. It felt like a betrayal of sorts, and I felt ashamed to feel that.

I couldn't really.. Like her, romantically, right? She made me forget about all my formalities and the countless rules my father taught me as a child. I wanted to impress her, even if it involved my reputation and wealth.

I really did like her.. But there was no way an amazing female such as herself would ever have romantic attraction towards a male such as myself.

I groaned. This topic made my head hurt, despite the subjects I've had to deal with before; Withstanding viscous CEOs, listen to my father ramble about nonsense for hours on end, et cetera.

Lifting my head, I stared at the elevator a few meters away from myself. I attempted to get back to work, but I couldn't get my assistant out of my head. Her attractive smile, bright personality.. Her voice was stuck in my head, no matter what I thought of to get her away, out of my thoughts.

The rest of the day went on as usual, I would see her in my office organizing folders, responding to phone calls, bringing tea and coffee. When she entered my workplace, I couldn't get my eyes off her. On one hand, I did not and never did want to look like a pervert, but she just caught my attention easily, no matter what she did.

I managed to get my work done, but the quality wasn't even half what I could've done.

It was currently 10:13 PM; I got less work on Fridays, meaning I could get it all done faster.


Reader's POV;

You were massaging your boss's shoulders, an act you insisted on doing, while he was wrapping up the last of his work.

That was when you noticed him setting down his black calligraphy pen, "Y/N, would you like to stay with me for a night at my estate? You may go back the next morning if you wish, I simply believe your apartment does not contribute to your sleep quality, seeing as you sleep on a hard couch."

Your eyes widened. Your boss, the richest man in the world, wanted you, a mere employee, to room with him? What kind of alternate universe was this?

You didn't know why or how, but you found yourself agreeing to his request. You thought that was a terrible decision, since you had a secret crush on the CEO.

"Perfect, Y/N. I'll bring you to my home, then."


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