✰ Text Me

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Alaric's POV;

Wait, what? Someone denied my offers of materialistic wealth? Anyone else, I'm certain, would've accepted my offer with no hesitance. Why did she push my offer away? I could've, given that I didn't provide any context as to what brand I was going to purchase for her, more or less, bought dozens of $10000 dresses for her.

But she denied my offer.

I'll be blunt, it was a refreshing thing to hear. I have met so many upstarts who've sucked up to me simply so I can buy them a diamond ring or the like. Seeing that this lady denied my offer made me... Happy, I suppose.

"Ah. I respect that, but if you ever change your mind, Y/N, send me a text. Or meet me in-person."

"Okay, Mr. Alaric.. What's your number?" The younger female took her outdated phone and opened it.

I told her my number, adding her on WhatsApp as well. "At any rate, what salary do you wish for?"

"Uhm.. Being honest, I'd like a yearly pay of $45,000 to $50,000," she responded.

"That's not much at all.(A/N: Not trying to offend people with that salary, it's completely normal to have that income; Alaric's just rich rich 😔🙇) Hm... Is that really all she needs?" I thought to myself.

"Acceptable. I'll send you an update either tomorrow morning or the day following."


Reader's POV;

"Ah, thank you so much, Mr. Alaric!!" You exclaim happily, a smile forming on your pink lips. You were oblivious to it, but you had just hit your boss with the well-known.... Cute attack.

Your boss turned around, head facing the opposite direction, his right hand covering the bottom part of his face. You didn't know it at the time, but his cheeks had turned pink. He was blushing.

"Mr. Alaric..? Are you okay? I'm so sorry if I did something wrong," you say quickly, your smile fading. You truly didn't want your boss to be upset at something you did.

"No, you did nothing wrong..." You hear the tall man say, turning back towards you.

"Pull yourself together," Alaric thinks to himself, while you stare at his neck, not wanting to look directly at his face. "You did nothing incorrect, Y/N. I don't know what came over me. I'll see you tomorrow at 9:00 AM. Text me if you need anything or if you just want to chat."

"Oh.. Okay. Good night, Mr. Alaric." A small smile appeared on your lips, and Alaric left the apartment, his phone in hand.

-- 30 Minutes Later;

You lie down on the couch, pulling a small blanket over your body. You didn't have a proper bed, you only slept on the couch.

"I can't wait until I get my first paycheck!! I'll finally be able to move outta this apartment!!"

For the next 30 minutes or so, you toss and turn, trying to fall asleep. But because you were so excited and happy, you couldn't fall asleep. "I wonder if Mr. Alaric is still awake. Hopefully he is."

You open your phone and send a message to the one and only CEO of Kami Corporations.


Alaric's POV;

I had just finished taking a shower, and the only piece of clothing I wore was a towel that was strapped around my waist. My upper body was bare.

As soon as I entered my bedroom, I heard a beep coming from my phone. Who could be messaging me at this time? I pick up my phone, which resided on my bedside table, and saw that my new assistant, Y/N, had messaged me.

I picked up my iPhone 12 promptly.

(A/N: '🧸' at the beginning of a text means Y/N sent the text. '❄️' at the beginning of a text means Alaric sent the text.)

🧸: Are you still awake? (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Sorry if I woke you up o(╥﹏╥)o

❄️: Yes, I am still awake. I just got out of the shower. How can I help you, Y/N?

🧸: Yayy 。◕ ‿ ◕。 I cant fall asleep, I'm too exciteddd

🧸: Ty for responding btw ᵔᴥᵔ

❄️: Why are you excited?

🧸: I finally got a job!! ヽ(' ∇' )ノ & its thanks to u, Mr. Alaric!! :DD

❄️: It's no problem at all. You fit the position so it would only make sense if I gave you the job. However, I wouldn't like it if you came to work tomorrow with black bags under your eyes. So you should try get some rest soon.

🧸: Says you... ヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノ At least Im TRYING to sleep, while u JUST came out of the shower. ◕3◕ u probably werent going to sleep for a bajillion hours (¬‿¬)

I laughed lightly as soon as I read that message. She really was cute. The way she texted, her indirect insults, her mood... I sat at the edge of my bed, my upper-body still bare, and I responded.

❄️: I don't know how to respond to that.

🧸: of course u dont (ᅌᴗᅌ* )

❄️: What's that supposed to mean?

🧸: uhhmmm im not telling ╮(─▽─)╭

❄️: I'll ask you tomorrow, I suppose. Go to sleep and I will as well.

🧸: okayyy, good night, mr alaric ꒰ ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱ ˖°

I smiled, standing up. After grabbing a black robe from an oak closet, taking the towel off my waist, I put the black robe on.

I laid down on the bed, pulling a white blanket over my body. Soon enough, I fell asleep.


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