✰ Interview

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Reader's POV;

You follow the man into the enormous room, gaping at the sheer size. "W-Wha..."

The room must have been at least 4 times larger than the living room back in your shabby apartment.

The lean man walking in front of you sat down behind an oak desk. The chair was a black swivel chair made of leather, your favorite kind of chair. Said man motioned for you to sit on the chair in front of himself, "Sit."

You obeyed hastily, pulling back the office chair(the chair you were supposed to sit on), sitting down. You scratched the back of your neck, feeling it turn red.

Because you were sitting so close to the man, only few inches apart, you were able to really look at him. His sleek black hair, dark brown eyes that sported a bit of gold, and tall build made him one of, if not the most, attractive males you had ever seen.

Sure, you'd seen pictures of him on the internet. Who hasn't? But in person, he looked so damn hot. But his attitude, you thought, was terrible. Throwing tantrums when things didn't go his way, which was what almost every article about Alaric indirectly said about him. (Of course, you didn't dare say that out loud.)

What a waste of a pretty face.

Then you realized you were staring at the man in front of you without even saying a single word. It's been a whole minute since you two arrived at the office, yet you didn't even say a single thing.

"Shit- He must think I'm weird. Dammit! I'm never getting a job," You thought to yourself, punishing yourself mentally.

"Okay. Let's start this interview, Y/N," the CEO said.


Alaric's POV;

Truthfully, this interviewee was cute.

Staring at me like that with no regard of how she would look whilst doing so... I couldn't help but think she was adorable. I suppose it may have been that she didn't already try seducing me or that she really didn't try being cute but still was nonetheless.

No, I wasn't falling for her. Of course I wasn't, I don't fall for someone easily.

I needed to get this interview over with and start my work. Even if this did result in her being hired, that didn't change the fact I still had piles of paperwork to fill in and meetings to attend.

"Tell me about yourself, Y/N." I make sure to say that with dominance to ensure that she knows this a serious thing. Perhaps that was not the best course of action, but it was what I was taught to do whenever I was at work.

"Well, uhm..." The woman said, most likely intimidated and/or nervous, "I'm 26 years old and I graduated University with a degree in Associate's Degree in Communications and Business," as the female progressed in her introduction, her voice became more and more confident, which I must admit, surprised me, "I chose those fields because I've always enjoyed, well... Helping my superiors with their work without always needing to take full control."

I nodded once she finished speaking, "I see." Personally, I thought it was quite impressive that she was able to get past the phase of being scared and anxious, to being a seemingly strong and independent girl.

In the next 45-55 minutes, I asked her a series of questions, all of which she answered with confidence. Additionally, I enjoyed her answers; I thought they were, at the minimum, better than the other applicants' answers.

"You're hired," I said, "You'll start tomorrow. You will be required to work 45 hours a week, I shall appreciate your letting me know if you have any further questions, we can discuss your salary when you start working."


Reader's POV;

"A-Ah... Thank you so much!! It means so much to me, sir!" You say happily. You've been denied from a job so many times that you couldn't help but feel like you were at the top of the world right now.

"Prithee, call me Alaric. Mr. Alaric at formal events." Your new boss moves his eyes to your body, which showed a short dress. "You'll need to change. To one that is less... Revealing."

"H-Huh..? Oh, uh.." You look down at your black dress, which stopped mid-thigh. The piece of clothing did reveal the top bit of your tits, but the dress was the only one you could afford to rent.

"Do you not have anything else, that's both formal and covers your upper body?" You hear the CEO ask.

"Uhm... I- I only have this, and this dress is rented... But I'll buy another one!"

"No, that's not necessary," he responds. "I'll purchase you a new one when I complete my work. You are my employee, after all. It's my responsibility to help you with these things."

You feel your cheeks turning pink while you stare at the marble floor. You didn't want to rely on someone else to do things for you, it was your job to take care of your needs. "I-It's okay.. Thanks for the offer though..."

"I insist. Please, Y/N, allow me to help you. Think of it as a token of gratefulness. I finally have a person assistant."

"Oh... Okay.. Sure, if you really want..." You say, trying not to make it obvious that you're blushing badly.


A/N: Please vote & comment -- It'll help me a lot, especially since I'm a new writer here. If you have any constructive criticism or questions, lmk in the comments :) I read all my DMs and I really, really appreciate everyone who Private Messaged me with feedback/reviews.

I post a new chapter once every day, sometimes even more. I also have discord, so if you wanna chat there, DM me!

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