✰ Rich Boy

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Reader's POV;

"Oh... Okay," you said with a small nod. "I need to return this dress tomorrow at 12:00 AM, though.." You say, not wanting to turn the offer down.

He nodded, "I'll have someone return it for you. Do you want me to drive you to your apartment? It's extremely minacious during the evening."

You frown slightly, remembering what happened earlier in the morning. "Sure, thanks, Mr. Alaric."

He smiles a little, taking his hands off your shoulders. "It's arranged, then. Follow me," he said, walking out of the office. You follow him, entering the elevator. Once you two arrive at the lobby, you notice that there aren't many people on the floor, probably because they finished their work long ago.

The only people there were the security members. Together, you and Alaric walk out of the building and into the parking lot.

"Which car would you prefer I drive you in?" The man standing left of you questioned, motioning to 7 cars that included a McLaren Elva, a Koenigsegg Gemera, and your dream car -- a Lotus Evija.

"What- How rich IS this guy!?!?" You wonder. You're well aware he's the richest in the country... But you didn't think he would be able to afford those expensive cars without crying in broke. If you bought even the cheapest of those 7 cars, you would have to sell your grandchild to pay for the debt...

"I- Uhm.. It's really up to you-" You said quickly.

"Alright," he responded, walking up to a black car. Your employer opened the front passenger seat, motioning for you to sit. You nod and slip into the car, but you sat there in a way that wouldn't dirty the vehicle. He closed your door, walking up to the driver's door and entering it.

Inside, you saw a many buttons you would love to experiment with, but you didn't dare touch. You didn't want to end up paying for repairs...

"We'll be going to the Golden State Mall," Alaric said. Right before placing his hands on the wheel, he put a black mask on; No, not for Covid. But so he wouldn't get into any scandals or be caught by the press.

Your eyes widened. "The Golden State Mall!?!?!" The Golden State Mall was only for the rich, people with an income of less than 900k were not allowed in. You stared down at your legs, which were seated on a black leather seat.

Your boss started the car and drove his way to the mall, "Don't worry about the price. You can pay me back once you get your paycheck," he said with a slight smile. You nod, wondering how expensive the clothes at the elite mall really were. They couldn't be that expensive, right? Clothes are clothes...

You arrive at the mall, with you gaping up at the sheer size of the shopping mall. You'd seen pictures on Google, but in person, it was a whole different species of building. It had to cover at least 2 million square feet.

The front of the mall was much more neat and organized than the typical shopping store, with security guards practically everywhere.

After parking, Alaric gets out of the car and so do you. He brings you to the front of the mall, where 5 security guards were standing, guarding the entrance. With his mask and cap on, it was hard to tell who he was.

"ID please," one of the guards ordered. Alaric slipped his hand into his suit pocket, taking out an ID. You just stand there, not knowing what to do, because you left your ID at home.

He passes his Identification to the guard. Right after the guard saw the card, his eyes widened. "Mr. Kami, g-go on in..."

The CEO took the ID back, and the two of you walked in. The interior was an amazing sight. A water fountain stood 30 meters to the right of you(you and your boss were standing side-by-side; With Alaric on the left and you on the right), golden-rimmed stairs and escalators lead to different floors, the shops decorated elegantly.

The few customers still in the mall were wearing expensive clothing, sporting diamond earrings, gold necklaces, etc. You look down at your rented dress, frowning a little.

Your boss seems to notice this but doesn't acknowledge it directly. "Let's find you some clothes, shall we?" He said. You nod, looking up at him with a smile.

Together, the two of you walk for a few minutes straight, when Alaric stopped and motioned to a store. "That retail store has good quality, we can go there."

"Hm...? Oh, okay," you said, the two of you walking into the store.

The clothing store wasn't much larger than the average mall shop, but there were many workers there. They lowered their heads when Alaric entered, as was traditional to all Golden State Mall workers.

"Don't hesitate to pick what you fancy. Take as long as you please," he said.

"Okay, thank you again, Mr. Alaric," you say with a smile, causing Alaric to cover the bottom part of his face.

After about 25 minutes, you chose out five dresses, three leggings & three T-Shirts. After trying them out, you decided to buy them.

Alaric took all of the outfits, covering the price tag with his long-fingered hand. You didn't notice at the time, but he was purposely blocking the tag from your sight. "They look amazing on you, Y/N."

And then you bought them.

"Thanks for all this, Mr

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"Thanks for all this, Mr. Alaric," you said, while you and your boss are heading out of the mall. You insisted on holding half of the bags, while the CEO held the other half.

"You're welcome."

You and your boss held a short chat before you arrived home, waving goodbye and bringing the bags into your apartment.


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!


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A/N: So sorry about this chapter's quality, it was extremely rushed because I was studying for an exam. But I still wanted to post today. The quality should be going back to normal or better. Again, I'm really sorry.

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