✰ Unexpected Visit

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Alaric's POV;

Once the female left my office and returned home(or wherever she goes -- I can't be sure where), I started my work.

Attending countless meetings, meeting up with fellow CEOs for partnerships, writing documents, sending emails, talking to employees and the like.

This may appear to be a lot of work, but this was one of my good days. Other days I'd quite literally collapse of exhaustion.

Anyhow, I was responding to the last of my letters. Yet another wealthy snob had offered his daughter over to me, requesting a marriage. If it hadn't been for said man's position in Clover Productions(a company that is moderately popular in America), I wouldn't have known him or his daughter.

I glanced at the clock once I finished; It was 10:59 PM, meaning I'd spent over 12 hours working.

"She wouldn't be asleep by now..." I muttered, wondering if I should pay my new assistant a visit. Why not? I stood up, running a hand through my hair, leaning my head back.

"Since when have I visited employees personally...?" I mumbled. "Ah, well. Most likely, I'm just not as 'mean' as all those news articles depict me as..."


Reader's POV; Time skip, 11:16 PM -- Same day.

You just got changed into your pajamas, a two-piece, sporting a pink short-sleeved top and loose pants of the same color. You're sitting on a white couch, scrolling through Instagram on your iPhone 5.

That was when you hear your doorbell ring. Who could it be? You didn't have any family living close and you didn't have any friends.

Closing your phone and placing it on the couch, you walk up to the door. You turn the birch doorknob, pulling it open.

Looking up, you see your new boss, still wearing his well kept suit and tie. "M-Mr. Alaric? Why are you here..?" You question, staring up at him.

You didn't call him completely by his first name, because you thought it was improper to do so, because, after all... He is the CEO of the most powerful company in the world. He was one of the Top 10 richest men, according to Forbes.

Besides, you lived in an apartment complex, you didn't even own a house.

"I fancied paying you a visit, Y/N," he says, pausing for a few seconds, "I certainly didn't think you'd live in this type of home. May you let me in?"

You didn't exactly have the guts to say no, because the way Alaric said it made it seem more like an order than a question. "Okay..." You agree reluctantly.

The CEO smiles, but the smile is obviously fake. "Great, let's talk about your salary. And perhaps we can chat about your attire."

You nod slowly, walking up to the white couch, sitting on the far right. Your boss does the same, sitting next to you. He sits about 2 feet away, just the length you wanted him to sit.

"Mr. Alaric, I-I told you that I don't need you to buy anything for me... I'll buy new clothes when you give me my pay check," you say, staring at the couch. "I've been able to manage for a few months... If I'm not at interviews, I wear my pajamas and sometimes a sweater. I rent dresses for interviews, but I've finally gotten a job so I'll be able to buy a dress."


Thanks for reading the whole way through, hope you enjoyed the chapter.



Please vote and leave a comment -- It helps a lot. 🧸; I might be switching POVs from now on, between Reader/YN's POV and Alaric's POV 😺

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