✰ Mother-Son Meeting

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Alaric's POV; 9:30 AM

I was sleeping, unaware of the current time, when I heard the door to my bedroom open with a creak. I opened my eyes groggily and sat up, staring at the two women in front of me... Oh fuck. It was Y/N... And my mother.

My mother and my assistant were standing side-by-side, my mother crossing her arms. My assistant was staring at the floor, visibly uncomfortable.

Instantly, my focus went from 2% to 90%. I ran a hand through my black hair as a quick attempt to look good in front of the two females. However, I was still in my bed suit and I hadn't washed my face.

"Hello, mother." I was still sitting in bed as I managed to glance at the tableclock next to me. It was already 9:30... Why hadn't anyone woken me up? However, that wasn't what I needed to focus on at the moment.

"Alaric!! Why were you still sleeping!? This beautiful young lady had to greet me instead of you!! Lazy ass!" My mother said with visible anger.

"U-Uhm, ma'am, sorry for interrupting... But your son went to bed very late and-" Y/N started to speak, before being cut off.

"Excuses, excuses!! You're a wonderful lady, Y/N. But Alaric, on the other hand, is such a stupid slob!" My mother insisted.

I deadpanned. Partially used to my mother's constant nagging, I didn't ever talk back to what she told me. However, with Y/N here... For some reason, I wanted to impress her. I wanted to keep face in front of her and seem my prime.

But my father taught me "keeping face" could and would be obeying what my elders said, "Yes, mother, I understand. I am sincerely sorry and hope you accept my apology."


Oh my gosh I am so sorry!! My family had an urgent thing to do and I had to attend. I will DEFINITELY be updating more from now on, hopefully longer than 1000 words!! Thanks for all of your support along this tiring path ahhhh. Buut I hoped you liked his rather short chapter,, I'll see you all next time!! I might not be uploading consistently and I apologize for that I am SO sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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