✰ First Day At Work

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Alaric's POV;

I woke up groggily, stuffing my head into a purple pillow. I absolutely despised waking up, in spite of my organized appearance. Lifting my head a little, glancing at a gold table-clock, I saw that it was 7:04 AM, meaning I had 1 hour and 56 minutes until I started work.

"Would she get upset provided I sent her a text message?" A thought went through my mind, as I had a strange craving -- I wanted to message her.

So I did. Picking up my phone, I sat up.

(A/N: Same rules apply as the previous chapter; '🧸' at the beginning of a text means Y/N sent the text. '❄️' at the beginning of a text means Alaric sent the text.)

❄️: Good morning, Y/N.

🧸: Good morning, Mr. Alaric!ヽ(^◇^*)/

❄️: Do you remember when you're going to come to the office?

🧸: 9:00 amヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ Why do u ask?

❄️: Just making sure you know when you're supposed to come -- And yes, it's 9:00. I'll greet you when you arrive.

🧸: Okay!!ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ I cant wait (⌒‿⌒)

❄️: Are you still in bed? Or are you eating breakfast?

🧸: I just woke up. I was sleeping til u sent me a message (〃▽〃)

❄️: That's sweet, but I'd much rather you have a good sleep over responding to my message.

🧸: Awww ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥) Ur so kind (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)

❄️: As are you.

🧸: Why are u so nice to me tho (ノω〃) U dont even know me that well & im just ur employee, not a close friend or family (;_;) but im still very grateful for ur kindness :DD

❄️: Honestly, I don't know why I'm so nice to you. I don't say 'good morning' to any of my other employees, nor do I keep up a conversation that'll last long. Perhaps it's due to the fact you're not trying to take advantage of my wealth.

🧸: ohhhhhhhhh, that makes me more sense. but its the right thing to do, to not try get something outta your money ╮(─▽─)╭

❄️: That's exactly why I'm "nice to you," you don't want anything from me besides your paycheck & job.

🧸: (@⌒▽⌒@)

🧸: im gonna get changed ('。• ω •。') ttyl

❄️: Alright, I'll see you at the office.

I got out of bed, putting on the typical black suit & white tie.


Reader's POV; Time Skip -- 8:56 AM

You were wearing the skimpy rented dress while you walked into the building; The building you were going to work in.

You look around, trying to see if your boss was there. He wasn't. After a few seconds of glancing around, trying to spot Alaric, you notice a set of eyes turn to your body.

The eyes belonged to a blond male standing behind the reception desk. The man was leaning forwards, staring at your build with a perverted gaze; There was a distance of about 15 meters between you two, but that didn't make you feel any better.

You cross your arms, trying to put your arms low enough so your arms could cover your breasts. The blond didn't stop staring at you.

That was, until you heard footsteps behind yourself, and felt a jacket being wrapped around your body. Looking up, you saw the CEO, Alaric Kami, with his hands on your shoulders, holding the jacket. He had taken off the jacket part of his black suit and placed it on you.

He was glaring at the blond-haired man with visible anger.

You honestly didn't know what to say or do. The pervert went back to work with extreme haste and the richest man in the country had his hands on your shoulders. Had it not been for Alaric, you probably would've been in the attention of the receptionist for quite some time.

Not removing the oversized jacket from your body, your boss picked you up princess-style.

He didn't say a word, walking into to the VIP elevator, still with you in his arms. "That bastard- I knew I should've fired him earlier..." Alaric seemed to be muttering. He didn't press any buttons, simply standing there without talking to you directly.

"Uhm... Thank you, Mr. Alaric," you manage to stutter, staring at your hands. "It's only my first day and I'm already creating trouble..." You thought bitterly.

The CEO set you back down your feet, looking at you. "If anything like that ever happens, call me or leave the building and send me a message."

You nod, returning the stare, trying to hide the guilt in your eyes. The tall male pressed a button and the elevator started to move upwards, "It's not your fault, Y/N." He looked down at you with a soft expression in his eyes, but he was obviously still pissed; But it was not because of you.

You and the lean man arrived at my boss' office. As an attempt to get the CEO to forget the whole situation, you asked Alaric how I could help him. And thus started hours of endless work.

You helped him organize his schedule, made sure he didn't get extremely stressed, delivered tea & coffee one or two times, reminded him to take 3-minute breaks, organized his files, blah blah blah. You were allowed to take a few breaks a day, but he never let you leave if you were wearing that skimpy dress. He always insisted on covering you up or going with you.

It sounded like an easy job, but given you were working for him...

It was a few minutes after 10 PM when you finished reading a letter out-loud and Alaric finished writing a reply to said letter. You were sitting on a gray couch while your boss was sitting behind his desk.

"Y/N, we're done." He stood up, walking up to you. Standing behind you, he placed his bony hands on your shoulders, "Thank you for aiding and accompanying me."

"Aww, Mr. Alaric, it wasn't as much as you did. But thank you!" You turned around, smiling. His cheeks turned a little pink.

"I did not forget the affair in the morning, however. I will be having words with that employee, and I really believe you should buy a more... Covering outfit," you heard him say.

"Okay, Mr. Alaric. Whatever you say," you respond.

"Y/N, I don't fancy seeing you come to work wearing that. The man you saw in the morning is not the only person who will sexualize you. Therefore, I'm going to take you shopping tomorrow. I'll take a day off and you don't have to work."

It was dark outside, the sun had already set. The office was lit by ceiling lights, and your eyes widened slightly at your boss' sudden decision.


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!


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