Chapter 32 - Irony

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The screams weren't easy for Serena to take. But the simple sound that almost made her heart stop was the click of the doorknob when someone tried to open it from outside. Every muscle in Serena immediately tensed and like a cat ready to jump she crouched in the corner and stared at the door as if it were a bloodthirsty monster.

The person outside couldn't open the door thanks to the chair. But as much as Serena was happy about this fact, the sober truth caught up with her quickly. Perhaps once or twice the chair would hold up, but if the person outside tried several times to force their way in, her barricade would no longer be an obstacle. So Serena got up as quietly as possible and crept across the room looking for something to defend herself with. Somewhere in the dark she felt a table lamp and found it suitable enough. With slow steps she then placed herself next to the door and waited there with the lamp raised.

Her chest rose and fell irregularly and quickly as she stood there by the door, body trembling, waiting for the person to enter the room. She was pretty sure that it wasn't about Sebastian, because somehow he would have told her long ago that it was him.

Then the door rattled again and the chair was already moving suspiciously. It was briefly quiet outside in the corridor, before the door was suddenly kicked in with a loud crack. It took Serena all of her strength to stay calm despite the shock and not to scream. She held her breath briefly and continued to wait in an unnatural position for her pursuer.

As a dark silhouette pushed past her and as forcefully as she could, she aimed the lamp at the head of the person. However, it didn't quite hit and due to the size of the person it had probably only grazed the back of the head and neck, but this was enough that the intruder stumbled a few steps forward in amazement. At the same moment Serena just let go of the lamp and threw herself forward, out the door. Again she had to run through the house in the dark, but this time she didn't slow down once. Again and again she bumped into pieces of furniture, but her flight continued undeterred.

"Sebastian!", she shouted at some point in the race, well aware that it could attract the attention of other intruders, "Where are you?". For a moment she slowed down a little to see if he was about to turn up around a corner, but he didn't come. Instead, Serena heard distinct fighting noises from the entrance hall. Without really thinking about it, she took this direction. When she was with him again, she wouldn't be shaking like that anymore and he would definitely protect her. Serena kept telling herself this as she walked down the hall to the lobby. When she literally pushed open the door to the entrance hall, an image opened up in front of her that she had not expected.

There were five men in dark clothing standing in front of the stairs. All too familiar, black fog swirled around them, in which dark shapes appeared again and again and continuously performed blows. Again and again another man screamed and the iron smell of blood already soaked the room. The panic of the men was felt even for Serena and for a moment she felt sorry for these people. She knew all too well what it felt like to stand in this black fog and have to look over and over again into another, terrifying animal face with red, glowing eyes.

For a moment, Serena stood petrified at the top of the stairs and stared at the scene in front of her. A shiver ran through her and very fine goose bumps formed on her skin. She felt the fear in the room, but she knew very well that it did not belong to her.

As much as she had feared this fog and the figures in it the first time, she now felt the complete opposite of it. Sebastian was here to protect her and he did it by all means. Still, Serena found that his opponents had to be tough because he had changed into his demon form.

Then a snake with red eyes leapt out of the fog below and bit into the neck of one of the men. Screaming, he stumbled a few more steps and tried to fight against imminent death, but after only a few moments he sagged lifeless and the snake immediately disappeared again.

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