Chapter 11 - Gold

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"Sebastian? Where are my shoes?", Serena shouted down the hall slightly annoyed.

"Where you have undressed hthem, Lady Serena!", it came back from the other end of the corridor. Grumbling, Serena rolled her eyes. As if she did not know that herself, she thought a little annoyed. He once again set out to provoke her.

"Really? What a surprise!", she called and rummaged through her room again. For a felt eternity, she now was looking for the shoes she wanted to wear. Actually, Serena did not really care what she was wearing while she was in the cottage, but today it was different. Today, a visit had been announced and, according to Sebastian, Serena had to be appropriately dressed, as she was, so to speak, the landlady.

"You should discard this sarcasm as soon as your guests are here, my lady.", Serena suddenly heard Sebastian's voice behind her and, somewhat startled, she drove up to him, but tried not to show it.

With a smirking grin on his face he looked at her and held in his hands exactly the pair of shoes that Serena had desperately been looking for. Almost a bit roughly, she grabbed the shoes and took them, but not without throwing a snappy look at him.

"Are not they your guests?", she grumbled a bit mischievously. Actually, she had not been too enthusiastic when these people had announced their arrival. Sebastian sighed softly and cocked his head. He always did that when Serena did anything that did not suit him and he had to "teach" her.

"I'm just the butler, Lady Serena. You are the landlady, so they are your guests.", he answered.

"So? I do not remember inviting them.", she said grudgingly as she put on her shoes, " It seemed to me that you have confronted me with accomplished facts.".

A quick, cheeky grin crossed Sebastian's face and Serena could literally see that he enjoyed provoking her again. But in fact, it had been almost as Serena had said. A few days ago Sebastian had answered a phone call and only afterwards Serena had learned that the caller was Ciel Phantomhive and that he had asked if he and his fiancée could visit Serena at her cottage. Without her consent Sebastian had simply agreed.

Although she had nothing against the son of the earl and his fiancee, but she also felt no friendly feelings to these two. Enraged, Serena threw a pillow at her butler, but of course he dodged it with ease. But a subsequent cancellation was out of the question, because that would have been rude and ignorant.

She had also wondered why the son of the Earl condescended to make an appointment with the sole heir to an impoverished noble family. For Serena, the only plausible explanation had been that Ciel Phantomhive was still trying to recruit her Sebastian. She just could not imagine another reason.

"It's good to receive guests now and then.", her Butler said, trying to smile at her. Gritting her teeth, she looked at him, but when he smiled at her like that, she could not be angry with him anymore.

"Oh yes? And why ist hat so?", Serena asked a little less spitefully and tried not to look at him, because her heart was starting to beat too fast again.

"People need contact with other people. Otherwise they will be lonely and behave strangely.", Sebastian explained expertly, but Serena snorted slightly derogatory. She had had bad experiences with most other people in her life.

"The only contact I need is to you.", Serena muttered something thoughtless. Although Sebastian somehow knew that he was very important to her, but she had never spoken directly and now she felt a little stupid to have said such a thing.

She saw him briefly faltered, but he seemed to be recaptured within a second. But that confused Serena a little. Did she actually surprise him a bit with this statement? She really had not expected that from her demonic butler. Then a very short smile flashed across his face, but this smile was not polite or challenging, as it was usually the case. Rather, it seemed to Serena, as if she just saw him smiling normally for the first time and immediately she felt her heart make a few excited jumps.

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