Chapter 10 - Supplication

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Attention, violence is mentioned in this chapter!

It was a whole new feeling for him and for a moment he was amazed about himself that he was doing this. Never before had he hugged someone without having any ulterior motive. It was as if his body had acted on its own when Sebastian saw his lady sitting on her bed with tears on her face. He had simply wanted her to feel better and had spontaneously hugged her to give her comfort and safety. And then she leaned carefully against him. Sebastian felt his heart pound a little faster and and felt the satisfaction that flowed through him.

While holding her tightly, he had to smile inappropriately. She had said that she had dreamed of the day when her mother had died. Although he knew that this made Lady Serena very upset and vulnerable, there was something else happening that day. She had once told him that this was the most horrible, but also the most beautiful day of her life, because on the day of her mother's death the two of them had met for the first time.

The men laughed.

They laughed at Serena's behavior, at her screams and tears that were streaming down her face as she stared hatefully at her mother's killers. The hate ran through her entire body and filled her completely. Not only the anger on the men in this room, but also on those who had torn her from her harmonious life. The men who bore the main blame for this tragedy. She could barely think clearly, simply wishing for revenge for her mother's death and her father's suicide, no matter what the cost. She wanted to take revenge on all those beasts, even if she had to bring the whole world against herself.

And while the men still laughed maliciously, suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed. It was as if a cold wind swept through the room, which suddenly extinguished all the candles. Immediately, the laughter oft he men died and amazed they looked around in the dark room.

Serena looked around, confused, but she could clearly feel an icy coldness, which suddenly filled the room and began to shake all over, after all, she was very scantily dressed.

"What shoud that?", one of the men shouted somewhere in the darkness, but nobody answered him. A dark, ominous atmosphere rested over all present and spread a gloomy mood. And while Serena carefully tried to see better in the darkness, she slowly became aware of the dark, black fog that slowly began to form in the room.

Instinctively, Serena instantly knew that sudden black fog could not bode well and tensed frightened. A faint draft of wind brushed her bare skin and made her shudder again, bringing the black fog directly to her, then slowly wallowing around her.

"So much black.", suddenly a dark, deep voice penetrated the room, not definable, where it came from, "So much darkness.".

Even at the sound of that voice, goose bumps formed on Serena's arms, for it was as if that voice pierced her and flowed directly into her head. Apparently, it seemed to be similar to the other people in the room, because Serena heard surprised and frightened calls and restlessness, which mingled with those present. But somehow she also had the feeling that this voice was aimed directly at her, even if she had no idea what that all meant.

"A soul close to the deep, dark abyss that is so full of hate and anger. How attractive.", the mysterious voice went on now, but this time Serena could quite clearly say that the voice came from her immediate right. Confused, she looked in that direction and saw a big snake beside her. It was as dark as the fog surrounding it, only its eyes glowing blood red and menacing in the darkness. Serena gave a startled screech, but her hoarseness barely made any sound over her lips, and her whole body stiffened in fear. The men who were holding her still seemed unaware of the animal and continued to look confused through the darkness. How does this cattle get in here, Serena asked herself in panic as she looked into those bright eyes. And above all, why did the snake speak?

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