Chapter 36 - Grin

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It was pitch dark when Serena and Sebastian set out on their dark mission about two days later. Sebastian walked right in front of her, one arm stretched back to his lady, to whom she clung so as not to lose him in the dark. The sun had set a few hours ago and Serena had been waiting impatiently for the moment when they had finally left their hiding place.

Now she followed her butler almost blindly through the forest. Every now and then there was a rustling in their immediate vicinity and the animals of the forest seemed to want to prove their presence with soft noises. If she had been alone, she would have panicked through the undergrowth, but since she had a demon by her side who would protect her at all costs, Serena was completely unmoved by the threatening darkness of the forest. Every now and then the light of the moon made it easier for her to see, but it always hid behind dark clouds.

"How far is it?", Serena whispered after a while and briefly caught a glimpse of the red eyes of her butler as he turned to her.

"Not far anymore, my lady.", he replied in a hushed voice, "We'll be there soon.". Serena nodded silently and clung a little more to his arm. The certainty that she would see Wyrodd again soon made her body shudder slightly and she still wasn't sure whether the reason was fear or excitement.

They walked a little further through the forest until Sebastian suddenly stopped in front of her. Serena immediately froze and looked around in a hurry. If her butler just stood there without warning and didn't move, it usually didn't bode well.

"Sebastian?", Serena asked as quietly as possible, snuggling against his back from behind.

"We're not alone.", he whispered back and Serena felt his muscles tense. Immediately her heart beat faster and she tried to see something in the darkness, but unfortunately her human eyes did not help her very much.

"Where? And who?", she finally asked and Sebastian glanced at her briefly over his shoulder.

"In front of us ... it must be a Shinigami, Lady Serena. Please stay behind me.", he whispered to her in response and Serena blinked at him in confusion. They met shinigamis far too often for her liking, so that this could no longer be a coincidence. But regardless of whether they knew this Shinigami or not, he would certainly not be pleased if a demon ran into him. Somewhere behind her in the forest, Serena heard an animal run away at a fast pace, while the moon reappeared behind a cloud and finally gave her a little more view.

"That ... can't be ...", she heard her butler muttering to himself and Serena immediately made herself a little taller to be able to peek over his shoulder. When she glanced past her butler, she wanted to say exactly the same thing. A few steps away from them stood a Shinigami they had actually met before. His clothes seemed a little dirtier and more worn now, but his gray hair almost shimmered in the dark. Out of watchful green eyes he looked at them with cocked head and seemed to be studying them attentively. One of his hands was propped loosely on his hips, and in the other he held an abnormally large scythe with a black skull on the end as an ornament. It was almost bizarre to see this thin-looking man holding a scythe of this size in one hand. It must be almost twice the size of Serena, and the blade glowed ominously in the moonlight, as if to warn them.

"Well, well ...", he then began with a scratchy voice, "I was wondering when you would show up here.". Even Sebastian didn't seem to know what to say for a brief moment, but inconspicuously his left arm moved a little back to Serena, as if to take a protective position in front of her.

"But ...", Serena whispered softly to her butler over his shoulder, "That's the one who took the body of Erchyll ... with him back then.". Sebastian nodded slowly and carefully and gave her a quick look with his red eyes.

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