Chapter 23 - Amnesia

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The first thing Serena heard ,was an incredibly loud clang. To her it felt like a marching band was holding a rehearsal right next to her and she grimaced in pain. When she slowly opened her eyes, however, contrary to expectations, she was in bed in her current accommodation.

But in contrast to the last few days it was far too loud and also far too bright. Serena groaned in agony and screwed up her eyes again. Her whole head ached as if someone had pushed her against a wall over and over again.

Very carefully and slowly, so as not to cause even more pain, she straightened her upper body a little and blinked against the bright light that fell through the narrow windows into the room. What did she do yesterday? How did she get here in the first place? These and many more questions flashed through her head as she slowly looked around the room.

Then she discovered Sebastian. He was standing in a corner of the room, apparently cleaning some of the pots that had been in the room when they moved in. The metal pots rattled again and again, making the loud and unbearable noises that woke Serena.

"Does that have to be?", she muttered and looked at him plaintively with small eyes. His gaze wandered to her and finally he stopped moving, so that the room became calmer. An almost mischievous grin crossed his face for a moment and Serena knew that he had done it all on purpose.

"It's supposed to be clean and tidy here, Lady Serena.", he replied innocently. Serena just rolled her eyes grumpily and carefully lay down again. Even speaking was still too strenuous for her and in the short time in which she had straightened up, it had turned her up and down considerably again.

She tried hard to remember the night before, but that almost gave her more headache. A picture of the pub popped into her mind and how she had ordered an ale. From then on her memory became more and more indistinct. How much did she drink that she didn't know anything anymore?

Sebastian put down the pots with a noise that was far too loud and came over to sit next to her on the edge of the bed. Very slowly she turned her head and looked at him. There was an amused grin on his face.

"Are you feeling better, my lady?", he asked politely and exuberantly, and Serena slowly began to suspect that she must have done something stupid yesterday evening, otherwise he wouldn't grin like that.

"You can probably answer the question yourself.", she croaked, because her voice seemed to be a bit weak too. Sebastian chuckled briefly and continued to just look at her.

"How did I get here?", Serena finally asked and briefly closed her eyes to be able to rest a bit.

"I carried you up the stairs.", Sebastian answered her question, "But you walked bravely the way from the pub to here, Lady Serena.". Serena grimaced a little. He sounded like he was praising a little child who had finally eaten with a spoon instead of with his hands. Something must have happened on the way home, she guessed, or he would definitely not be so happy. She carefully opened her eyes again and looked at him warily.

"Why are you so happy?", she asked, trying to turn on her side as slowly as possible. Challenging, he raised an eyebrow and looked at her slightly mockingly.

"Can't a butler be in a good mood?", he answered her question with another question. Barely noticeable, Serena snorted and continued to look at him.

"Demons don't grin so happily to themselves.", she said dryly, "So ... What else did I do yesterday that it amused you so much?", Serena was also a little afraid of his answer, but at the same time she really wanted to know. It wouldn't be that bad, she told herself.

Sebastian's smile quickly turned into an evil grin. With a cheeky expression in his eyes, he leaned down so that his face came very close to hers. Serena's heart immediately jumped uncontrollably again and without wanting to, her eyes widened noticeably when he got so close to her.

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