"Okay seniors I have some exciting news for you all" the madam smiled once everyone was seated, "As you all know, Carmen Tibideaux from NYADA was in the audience on Saturday and she came to talk to me after" she teased as the seniors hung from her every word, waiting to find out what had happened, "She told me she was very impressed with everyone's work and that she was glad to have had the opportunity to watch your final performances with LDA, and she wanted me to let you all know that if you're planning on applying to NYADA, she will use what she saw to boost your applications at the school" she informed them, a huge smile playing on her lips at the end when she saw everyone's faces light up and chatter began to fill the room.
"Now, we only have a few months left so let's make them count, okay? I want you all to continue working your hardest and keep improving till the very end!" she admitted, in a sad tone before giving them a small smile as she excused them, watching fondly as they all left the studio.
Once they had all left, she clasped her hands together and sighed, looking around the room before exiting and making her way to her office beside the front desk. She exchanged small 'hellos' as she passed various students and some of her teachers in the corridors. As she neared her office she stopped suddenly, turning around, and walking over to a large glass trophy case which stood proudly opposite the front desk so that everyone could see the studios accomplishments whenever they entered and left the building, the madam remembered her reasoning for placing it here as if it were yesterday...
*17 years ago - When the LDA first opened*
"No sorry!" a young Madam Holloway beckoned as she chased after the two movers, "I'd like the trophy case to go here" she told them as she gestured with both arms to the large empty wall in the entrance way, "One day this will be filled with many amazing awards and I want everyone to always be able to see it, to remind them what they are capable of and even though they may not always believe it, to show them how talented and amazing they are" she beamed, her eyes wide and almost sparkling as she spoke of her future hopes for her, currently student and teacher-less dance academy.
"I think that's a great idea, Lucy" a tall woman with flowing chestnut hair and glasz eyes agreed as she moved from her spot against the wall over to her friend.
"Thank you, Lizzie, I would never have done this if it wasn't for you" Lucy admitted as she smiled up at her friend.
"Trust me Lu, this place is going to be amazing and who knows, maybe I'll send my own kids here" Elizabeth winked as she held a hand to her stomach.
"No way!" Lucy beamed, earning her a goofy grin and a nod, "Oh my god! Elizabeth congratulations!" she beamed as she pulled her in for a hug, the taller of the pair hugging back equally as tight.
The madam smiled happily at the memory, her hand grazing over the marble counter as she turned back, heading into her office. She gently closed the door behind her before making her way to the large, back wall in the room that was adorned in various framed photos of her past and present students at competitions, shows, in classes and at events held by the academy. She smiled at them all until her gaze fell to the most recent photo, it was of the current seniors at their last show. The madam carefully took the photo from the wall and sat down at her desk as she continued to look at it, her hands lightly tracing over the frame as her eyes clouded over.
The madam always cared deeply about her students, especially since she trained most of them since they were only four however, this time felt different, this time felt harder. This time Kurt was leaving and to her, it felt like her family member, her child, was leaving and with him, one of the last memories of her best and closest friend. Elizabeth.
Dance With Me?
Fanfiction"So, you're here to what? Dance?" Blaine asked, watching as Kurt walked backwords with a mischievous grin on his face as he watched Blaine frown slightly as they're hands disconnected. "Well, this is a dance studio Blaine" Kurt replied with a small...