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-ˋˏ *.·:·. [ ONE WEEK LATER] .·:·.* ˎˊ-

MISS STACY HAD BEEN PUNISHED FOR HER STUDENT'S ACTIONS, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT HER FAULT AT ALL. School became boring once more without her teaching, in fact most would have prefered to be taught by Mr Phillips than this dull man who had them rereading the same passage over and over. Miss Stacy had been poorly judged by everyone and didn't deserve to be put out of a job. It was the topic of many an outraged conversation she had with Anne before they decided that something must be done about it, what though they weren't sure. Drawing in lunch breaks became the only happiness in school.

 She sat on a log outside, sketching the basis of a future painting. Her creative thoughts stopped when four shadows cast themselves over her paper, she looked up and saw Anne, Ruby, Diana and Moody standing in front of her. Charlotte furrowed her brows in confusion as she looked up at them, "Can I help you?" 

"Charlotte," Anne began with a smile, clearly the four of them had been scheming and they were pretty proud of their plan as the smile became mirrored on each of their faces. "Would you like to help save Miss Stacy, we have a plan," Anne asked adding the last part when Charlotte's expression changed to one of apprehension.

"I would help even if you didn't have a plan," Charlotte smiled, placing her pencil back into the small twine holder that she created for taking to school. Anne squealed happily and the four sat around the log to tell her the details of the plan. It sounded very well thought out and like it would actually work so naturally Charlotte began to look forward to the operation tomorrow. 

-ˋˏ *.·:·. [ ONE DAY LATER] .·:·.* ˎˊ-

CHARLOTTE MET RUBY IN THE WOODS AND THE TWO OF THEM HEADED TO WHERE MOODY WAS WAITING WITH THE CARRIAGE. They arrived at around the same time as Anne and Diana did and hopped onto the carriage with absolutely no second thoughts. Cole however took some convincing to get onto the carriage, he had been made to work the farm by his family and had sad energy surrounding him. After some convincing from Anne he hopped on and the energy instantly changed. Cole has some hope, some happiness. 

After a short journey by carriage, with Moody controlling it and freaking out a little when everyone accidentally distracted him, the six of them ended up leaning against a bank of the train tracks. Nerves built in all their stomachs, this was very illegal and could have them in so much trouble but that made it all the more exciting. Charlotte felt her foot begin to tap against the mud bank because of the nerves, something which she struggled to stop even though it could give them away. "I can't breathe," Diana spoke breathlessly as they all watched a man check all the cargo holders for people. He was looking for the exact thing they were hoping to do, people who had hopped onto the train without paying for a ticket. 

"Were all going to die," Ruby whispered with a slightly shaking voice. If Charlotte had learned anything about Ruby during her years in school is that she certainly had a flair for the dramatic. But in this case, she had the right to feel so panicked, maybe not as far as death though. 

"It'll be fine, I read about it in a book once," Anne shrugged, thinking that it would bring some sort of comfort to her friends but it did the complete opposite and caused them to panic even more. Charlotte felt a twirling in her stomach from the nerves, it felt worse than any other nerves she had ever felt. But the feeling fueled so much adrenaline and she liked the feeling, a little more than she should have. 

" A book? You've never done it?" Moody asked what everyone had been thinking. His eyes were so wide it looked like they took up the majority of his face.

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