Ultimatrix Subroutine

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Ben leapt at lobo when he almost reached them. Lobo didn't move as he was shocked at this new form. While Ben was jumping all of the sudden he blasted forward because blue fire pushed him forward like a jet propulsion system. Causing Ben to slam into Lobo with extreme force. Lobo had been hit by the kryptonian trio plenty of times and they hurt like a bitch, but Lobo always got up. However this time. This time Lobo didn't know if he could get up. He laid on the ground groaning while Ben stood over him with a silent glare. Ben then aimed his hand at Lobo. Looking at Ben, Lobo saw a orb of blue fire being created in his hands. Knowing whatever was about to happen wasn't good he rolled out of the way as a straight beam of blue fire a foot in diameter was created burning into the ground. Lobo looked at where he was laying before and saw that the beam had created a perfect hole, leaving nothing behind.

"What the fuck." He said amazed. Ben then turned to Lobo and moved to stomp on his head. Again lobo moved and as Ben's foot came down he created a stream of the blue fire like when he slammed into Lobo. This time though the fire pushed his foot down and when it hit the ground it caused a light tremor in all of the surrounding. Lobo quickly got up and stared at this new form. Thinking only one thing, What the hell was this thing! Ben growled as he had missed Lobo again. Ben then moved to Lobo at incredible speeds and began to punch him repeatedly, using propulsions on his arm to hit Lobo even harder. Everytime Lobo took a punch it felt a hundred times worse then any punch Superman had ever given, and he was taking these punchs by the dozen as Ben was letting up. As Ben continued his onslaught for some reason he felt his anger intensifying, growing stronger with every punch he gave. Lobo finally had enough of this and dodged one of Ben's punches, causing him to hit the ground. Lobo then grabbed Ben's arm and planted his foot on Ben's chest. He then pulled on Ben's arm and pushed against his chest in an attempt to dismember him. With all of his strength and determination Lobo was able to tear off Ben's right arm. Ben stumbled back a bit before glaring at Lobo who seemed proud of himself. However that started to end as plants began to grow where Ben's arm was missing. They were like fresh tree's that weren't strong. Soon they grew to replace his arm, after that they began to harden until they were just like the rest of him. Lobo's smile fell away as Ben moved forward and began his onslaught once again. While this was happening Kara, Carol, and the founding members started to get back up and looked to see Ben destroying Lobo. Finally Ben gave Lobo a nasty right hook, sending a few teeth flying, followed by a horrible gut punch then a wicked knee to Lobo's face. Lobo stumbled back before falling on his butt. He started to crawl backwards as Ben was walking towards him.

"Hey! Hey! I surrender! Ok! Just Stop!" He said. Ben said nothing as he continued moving towards Lobo menacingly. Lobo continued backing up scared at how powerful he became in just a few short moments. Finally Lobo hit a rock that stopped him from crawling. Then Ben was standing over him. "Well say something!" Lobo said scared now. Ben just raised his arm like he did before.

"It's too late for you to surrender." Ben said in a dark tone. He then created another orb of blue fire in his palm, however this one was several times bigger. Then just before he fired Kara knocked his arm aside causing him to misfire into space. When the orb fire it created a blue beam that was 5 feet wide. IN RADIUS! The beam looked like it could punch a hole through a mountain. Ben looked at where he fired in anger.

"Ben what are you doing! You don't kill!" She said worried. Ben looked at her. Kara then took a step back as he looked like he was just about to kill her.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way!" Ben said threateningly. Kara gulped then shook her head. Ben growled as he raised a fist but was stopped when Wonder Woman caught his fist with her lasso. Ben looked back at her as she struggled to hold his arm back.

"Ben! What are you doing!" Wonder woman called. Ben just roared before he pulled on the rope and tossed her around. Carol then came up from behind Kara and knocked Ben back.

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