Suicide squad

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Carol was driving the truck down the road as Kara got tired and was now sleeping in the back. Ben was sitting passenger side.

"So what's Kansas like?" Ben asked.

"It's Kansas. What's to tell. It's farms, country folk, ranches, small towns. Hell the town we live in is called Smallville. With a name like that what do you expect it to be like." Carol said.

"You don't like it?" Ben asked.

"It's not that. It's nice, I enjoy being there with Kara but...." carol stopped herself.

"You want to go elsewhere." Ben stated.

"I want to explore. Not to find myself like your self discovering journey, but to see new things. Experience stuff others haven't...." she paused again.

"But you don't want to leave Kara." Ben said. Carol looked in the rear view mirror at Kara.

"She's all the family I have." Carol said.

"What about your parents?" Ben said.

"That's complicated." Carol said. She thought for a moment, coming up some lie to explain it. "I don't remember our parents. At age 12 an accident occurred killing them. Later on I got a cause of amnesia. Can't remember anything past our 14th birthday and back then I was full of nothing but pure rage. I was angry and I didn't even know why. Back then I wasn't even with Kara. She later found me and helped me. That brings us to here where we try to stay together all the time. She's everything to me...." carol then realized what she said. "you tell her I said that I will deny it and beat you to a pulp." Carol said. Ben chuckled.

"You know you kind of remind me of my friend Kevin. He has a hard, tough guy show going on, but beneath it all he's got a big heart." Ben said. Carol laughed.

"He sounds cool." Carol replied.

"Yeah, He is. I wonder what happened to him after I left. I hope he's still with Gwen. They made a cute couple" Ben said.

"Who's Gwen?" Carol asked.

"My cousin. She's this uber-dweeb who saved my but countless times. Last I knew she was dating Kevin and she was in college for several years already." Ben said with a smile.

"Sounds like your close to your family." Carol said.

"Yeah. Especially Gwen and my grandpa. Ever summer we would go on these road trips, cross the country. They were amazing." Ben said.

"You excited to see them?" Carol asked.

"I more nervous." Ben answered.

"Why?" Carol asked.

"Well I left without telling anyone. Just left in the middle of the night. I'm worried about how they'll react to my return. I'm also worried about how much has changed." Ben said.

"If their your family, I'm sure they'll understand and be happy your back." Carol said. Ben looked at carol and smiled. They continued to drive a ways before they stopped at city in nevada. The city had its own mall and that's where they went. Kara woke up and they all went in. The girls went to the restroom while Ben found an ATM to get some cash. He then withdrew a couple thousand American dollars. You may not have noticed by the way Ben looked like an ordinary guy but Ben was actually the 8th richest guy in the galaxy and the richest man on earth. Having saved the galaxy and universe countless times it was needless to say that other planets were grateful to their hero, so each planet gave Ben a great reward in both money and items. His total fortune and net worth was calculated by a galactic media outlet of respectable reputation. They were making a list of the 10 richest people in the galaxy. Ben was number 8 on the list. Ben was actually surprised when he learned that. He knew he was rich but not that rich. So for him a few thousand American dollars wasn't even chump change, this amount of money was nothing for him. Once the girls got back Ben decided to repay them for giving him a ride by doing some shopping. Hearing that Kara got excited and dragged them to the nearest clothing store. Ben was surprised by how much strength this girl was displaying.

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