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After everyone went back inside they found the others by the stairway. Apparently they had been listening in the whole time. Caitlin looked at him with a small smile.

"Thank you." She said.

"You don't need to thank me. Helping each other is what friends do." Ben said kindly. Caitlin blushed and looked down.

"Friends... huh." She whispered.

"So what now?" Lois asked.

"Now we go back to our normal lives.... Or at least what's normal for us." Ben said.

"Well then I guess we should hit the road tomorrow if we want to get back to bellwood." Max said.

"Yeah. I'd really like to see aunt Sandra and uncle Carl. It's been a long time." Ben said looking down.

"Leaving already, huh?" Pa Kent said.

"Tomorrow yes. After all we got a lot to catch up on. Four years of catching up to be exact." Max said patting ben on the back.

"How about we get started on that right now. I wouldn't mind sitting in the rust bucket talking about my trip. It would be nice to see the old RV." Ben said.

"Oh now dont you go calling my girl old. She's a lot tougher then you think." Max said.

"I dont doubt it for a second." Ben said.

"Can I join you?" Kara asked.

"Yeah I would definitely like to hear some more stories of your trip across the galaxy." Caitlin said.

"I wouldn't mind listening to a few tales myself. What about you smallville?" Lois asked clark. Clark chuckled.

"Why not." Clark said.

"Well seems we're gonna have to do some catching up here instead of the rustbucket. Maybe next time kiddo." Max said.

"Fine by me grandpa." Ben said. They all then settled into the living and began to trade stories amongst themselves.


The next morning, ben tossed his bag into the trunk of his car. He then closed it and looked to the front porch of the Kent house. The Kent's were all standing there and so was Caitlin.

"So this is goodbye?" Kara asked a little sad.

"For now. I get the feeling we'll see each other again." Ben said. He then looked at Caitlin. "Good luck turning your life around." Ben said.

"Thanks. Superman says he thinks he'll be able to help me join the league as a minor superhero. I'll have to go through training before I can become a full fledged member. But at least it's a start and it comes with a place to stay and food to eat." Caitlin said. Ben smiled.

"I think everything's gonna work out just fine for you Caitlin. Your gonna be a great superhero." Ben said.

"Thanks." She said.

"Hey ben. Thanks for helping me with the suicide dorks." Carol said.

"Any time." Ben replied. Kara then had an idea. She walked over to ben.

"Can I see your phone?" She asked. Ben shrugged and handed it to her. She took it and began typing away. "Heres mine and Carol's phone number." She said. She then realized what she did and became embarrassed and started blushing. "You know! In case you need some help! We kryptonians have to stick together right?" She said. Ben nodded.

"Yeah of course. After we're the last ones. We should at least stick in touch." Ben said. Kara blushed and looked off to the side awkwardly.

"Yeah. Of course. That's why." She said. Ben being oblivious didn't notice her blush. After that ben got in his car. Charmcaster sat in the passenger seat not really caring enough to say goodbye to them. Ben then started to drive away with grandpa max, gwen, and kevin all following behind him.

Ben 10: Alien LeagueWhere stories live. Discover now