waller meets tennyson

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Waller sat in the Kent home on the couch. Her bodyguards standing behind her.

Ben sat in a chair on the opposite side of the living room from her. Clark stood by ben and was in between the stairs and Waller. He told both Kara and Carol to go to their room the moment Waller pulled up. They didnt argue with him since he was older then both of them. Gwen, Kevin, Caitlin, and charmcaster went with them. Now other then ben, clark, waller and her guards there was grandpa max and the Kent's.

Waller sat there without a single care. As if there had been no conflict between the current parties ever in her life.

The room was silent. Deciding it was time to end the conversation waller started to talk.

"You have an interesting grandson there mr. Tennyson." Waller said.

"You know who I am?" Max asked rhetorically.

"Only because your grandson is such a.... unique person. After we gained some information on him we learned who he was. I then read his entire profile and found you mr. Tennyson. You and your grandson have a lot in common. Both of you are interesting people. You mr. Tennyson joined NASA right out of high school. You were a stellar pilot and aced every test NASA gave. You were supposed to be the first man on the moon. Impressive for a man of only 18 years old.... but just before you were supposed to get on the rocket you quit. To become a plumber.... such a waste of potential. To be unclogging toilets."

"What can I say. Destiny had other plans." Max said. At this Point Clark had enough and decided to get straight to the point.

"What do you want waller." Clark said.

"What's got you so upset?" Waller said without a care.

"What's got me upset?! You are trespassing in my family's home and you wonder why I'm upset!?" Clark asked.

"Oh please. If your worried about your secret identity then that's been out of the bag for years." Waller said.

"When did you find out?" Clark asked glaring at the woman.

"I first had my suspicions when supergirl showed up. Twelve year old, blonde haired, blue eyed, female kryptonian shows up out of nowhere and coincidentally at the same time a twelve year old blonde haired, blue eyed girl gets adopted by a family in Kansas. Lo and behold the same family had an adopted son who, coincidentally, moved to metropolis at the same time that superman showed up. Coincidence mr. Kent?" Waller said. Clark said nothing. Thinking about what she said he realized that was his own foolishness. "At that point I had nothing but suspicion. It wasnt until this family had adopted SGC23-"

"Her name is Carol." Clark said firmly, interrupting waller. Waller looked at him for a second.

"It wasnt until you all adopted Carol..." waller said putting emphasis on the name. "That my suspicions became true. Now then Kal El... Why dont you go play boy scout somewhere else. I am not here for you or Carol. I've come here to have a civilized talk with mr. Tennyson here." Waller said. Gesturing to ben. Ben didn move from his laid back position.

"Let's get to the point waller. This isn't my home and I'd hate to impose on the Kent family." Ben said. Waller looked at him.

"Very well.... I've come here to figure out what makes you tick mr. Tennyson. Young man. Early 20s. Completely normal... or so it says. Disappeared 4 years ago. Went completely off grid with no traces. Suddenly appears out of nowhere with the power to take down captain atom with ease and scare the living shit out of professor zoom. I've seen the things he's done, its enough to disgust the hardest of veterans and make them seem like a bunch of pansies. Yet you.... you scare him shitless. Obviously you must be pretty powerful to scare him." Waller said.

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