normal? yeah, right.

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It's been a few days since ben returned to bellwood. He laid in his bed. His room was huge. His bed was a special bed he had ordered from khoros, the tetramand home planet. The bed was huge and extremely comfortable. Tetramands, while being a warlike race have a very comfortable society. Its comfort was far above any kind of human made bed and was large enough to hold several tetramands at once. Other then the bed there was a gigantic flat screen TV that ben then enhanced with his super smart alien forms, his walls were plain, he had a dresser off to the side, a door to his closet was on the left side of the room. On the right side of the room was a window overlooking the entire city of bellwood.

Ben's alarm went off. Waking up ben rolled over to the side and hit the alarm. Looking at the giant bed he sighed as he got up. The only thing he didnt like with this was how big it was. Why would he need a bed this big? This was actually the smallest size he could get and the comfort was worth everything. Getting up ben went to the closet door and opened it to reveal a giant walk in closet. He grabbed his clothes before walking to the bathroom to shower. When he was finished he walked out of his room in a black button down shirt, a black and green striped tie, suit, pants, and shoes. He then walked to his kitchen. Passing through the living room. Both of these rooms were absolutely amazing. His living room had a flat screen even bigger then the one in his room and also upgraded just like it. His couch was of alien design like his bed. Expensive one too. His kitchen was filled with top of the line equipment, not alien. The reason why ben decided to get such expensive furniture and stuff was because he had been moving from place to place sleeping on whatever he could find. Why not live the high life now. He could afford it a million times over.

Ben started to cook some eggs and toast. In the living room charmcaster sat on the couch watching what was on the TV.

"So what's going to happen today mr. Tennyson." Charmcaster said with annoyance. She didnt exactly like ben being the boss of her.

"Well, I'm going to work. I have a lot of stuff I need to do now that I'm here in bellwood and can manage my company myself." Ben said. Ok, some backstory. When ben found out he was filthy rich on a galactic scale he started his own company. His company was involved in technology, bioengineering, the power industry, and a bunch of other stuff. It even sold ben 10 merchandise like toys. Honestly ben wasnt very fond of that venture, but his company had predicted that the ben 10 merchandise would be one of the most lucrative things they could do... and they were right. Ben's company was active in the entire galaxy however his office was in the main earth building. He left his company in the hands of his most trusted employees while he was traveling through the galaxy. He would check in every now and then, but he left most decisions to others. Now that he was back he was taking control of it again. So he was planning to work today and for the next coming days until he can properly manage his company without showing up everyday. His goal was to make sure he had a steady income, just because he was rich already didnt mean he shouldn't work and make money.

After ben was done in the kitchen he ate his food. He then got up and went to the elevator.

"Alright. You ready charmcaster?" Ben said. Charmcaster groaned before she got up and walked over to him. When she reached the elevator she casted a spell that made a light around her. When it was done she was wearing a button down shirt, suit, pencil skirt. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail and she wore high heels.

"Cant believe you made me become your secretary." She said annoyed as ben opened the elevator door.

"You know why. As a trainee you have to stick with me for your entire training period. Also this is good training for you." Ben said. As they walked into the elevator.

"How is this good training?" Charmcaster asked.

"It trains you to blend in to society. So that you dont seem suspicious in any way. That includes having a cover story. Right now we're working on that. And your story right now is that you work for me as my secretary." Ben said.

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