The Beginning of the End 2

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Ben was once again in Paradox's time space. 

"Well done Benjamin." Paradox said. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Ben yelled still deaf. "HOLD UP GIVE ME A MOMENT!" Ben yelled again as he started to bring his hearing back. "That's better. Now, repeat that again."

"Well done Benjamin." Paradox said with a smile. 

"Oh. Thanks." Ben said. He shrugged. "Now, can you explain why we did that?" Ben asked. 

"Of course. You see you were born with your omnitrix. However you were born without any code to designate its functions. No designated functions meant unstable abilities. If we hadn't done that it wouldn't be for a while longer before your problem was fixed. So i fixed it earlier and gave it a bonus." Paradox replied. 

"A bonus?" Ben asked. Paradox smiled. 

"You just went back in time and gave your code to a younger version of yourself. Creating a time loop. You see now you grow up with this code and then eventually reach this point where your with me and give yourself your code. Starting the cycle all over again. This allows for a very special circumstance." Paradox explained. 

"What circumstance?" Ben asked. 

"Your system code." Paradox replied. 

"What about it?" Ben asked still confused. Paradoxes eyes began to sparkle brightly. 

"Your code is written in the language of time Benjamin." Paradox replied. It all began clicking in his mind. "Now your systems are written in an coding language no species in the universe could overwrite. Making your systems impenetrable to any sort of hacking." Paradox replied. Ben took all this information in and started trying to work with it. But he couldn't figure out what to do with it.

"Why give this to me?" Ben asked confused. Paradox looked excited for a moment as he motioned for Ben to lean in towards him as if to whisper a secret. Ben leaned in closely.

"Spoilers." Paradox replied. Ben frowned. 

"Of course. Spoilers." Ben said not entirely surprised. 

"Now then. We have just a few more stops to make."

"Still? When are you going to take me to stop myself from blowing up?" Ben asked. 

"Spoilers." Paradox said as he started walking to a newly created portal. Ben threw his hands up. Together they went through the portal to once again find themselves on krypton. This time though Ben was watching a couple sit at a table in despair. 

"Intruders detected!" The house alarm went off as drone surrounded Ben and Paradox. The couple immediately stood up and looked at the pair that appeared out of nowhere. 

"Who are you!? How'd you get into my house!?" The man yelled angrily at the intruders. 

"I do apologize Mr. El. However i can explain and would love to give you a gift." Paradox replied. 

"What?" Jor el asked in confusion. 

"Ohh... Their supermans parents." Ben said under his breath in realization having never seen them before. 

"What did you say?" Lara Lor-Van asked. 

"Nothing. I really can't say." Ben replied. 

"We, my esteemed friends, are time travelers from the future. And we come with glad tidings." Paradox replied. 

"Wow. We just saying that out loud. I thought the whole purpose of time travel was to nudge things along with no one knowing time travel was involved." Ben replied.

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