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Kara woke up to see the sky was dark and stars shined above them. Remembering what happened she shot up.

"Carol!" She screamed. She then saw carol laying down right beside her. She sighed in relief.

"Oh good your awake." Ben said. Kara turned to him. Once she saw him she became cautious. Ben noticed. "Well I know you have questions so let's get started." Ben poked at the fire between the two of them. Kara was about to ask her question when carol got up. Unlike Kara, carol groaned as she sat up.

"I feel so sore." She said.

"Well what do you expect. You got hit by captain atom. He hits pretty hard and with his red sun radiation he might as well be beating you over the head with kryptonite." Ben said. She turned to him. She was about to get up but fell back down.

"I wouldn't do that. It seemed you took the worst damage after captain atom hit you with a red sun beam. Drained you of your energy." Caitlin said. She was laying down by a log facing the fire. Seeing Caitlin, carol got angry.

"You!" She said. Ignoring Caitlin's warning she shot at Caitlin. Mid flight though a flash of green light was seen before a giant red hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into a powerful grip. What was weird was carol could swear she feels another set of hands holding her back. Carol struggled against whoever was holding her but she couldn't even make them budge.

"Will you calm down." Someone said. Their voice was gruff. After awhile carol stopped struggling.

"Ok. You can let me go now." She said. The hands then let her go. Turning around she saw a giant red man with four arms. He wore a sleeveless white shirt with black stripes on the sides and a stripe going right down the middle, and a pair of black skin tight pants. On his chest was the same badge that had been on Chromastone. He had four yellow eyes, a set of sharp incisors that juts out, and massive muscles that put a professional bodybuilder to shame.

"Now that we're all calm down how about we all sit down and have a nice calm talk. Alright?" The man said. Everyone sat down without saying a word. "Good. Now. Here's what we're gonna do. We're going to go in a circle and one person will be asked a question by the other three. The person must answer the question with full honesty. Got it?" He asked. Everyone nodded. "Great. I'll go first." In a flash of green light the man had turned back into Ben. "Ask away." Ben said. Caitlin got her question out first.

"How do you do that?" She asked.

"You mean shapeshift into different alien species?" Ben asked.

"Is that what they are? Aliens?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes. As for how I do it. I use this." Ben said as he raised his left hand showing off the alien watch.

"So if I had one of that I could turn into a bunch of different aliens?" Caitlin asked.

"That's three questions now but I'll answer it. No. You can't. This thing is bonded to my body. Even if you could take it off my arm, which you can't. It wouldn't work because it's bonded to me and me alone." Ben answered.

"I know this is a fourth question but why is it bonded to you?" She asked.

"It is the fourth question. But I feel i have the most explaining to do so I'll let it slide. I was born with it. My mom had a prototype version of this and while pregnant with me she used it and that kind of led my body to create one of its own. Except for some reason mines better. Or so I've been told. Never actually met my mom." Ben said. Caitlin let that be her last question.

"Did you lie to us for the past few days?" Carol said. Kara looked at her like she was nuts.

"Carol that's rude! Your calling him a liar?" She asked.

Ben 10: Alien LeagueWhere stories live. Discover now