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"I look at you and see the rest of my life right in front of my eyes."


Me and five were walking to the department store to get Delores! She was my bestest friend in the apocalypse, besides five but that doesn't count.

I furrow as five pushes at the doors noticing they were locked. "Huh if only we can teleport in....oh wait." i aspire to sarcastically. "Oh yeah. Right." Five chuckled obviously embarrassed and teleported us inside.

We walk around with flashlights that five got. "Delores." I smile looking at her. Five walks next to me. "It's good to see you." Five told her.

Five wasn't as close to her as y/n but she kept his wife/girlfriend happy so he owes her one.

"I've missed you...obviously." I talk to her. "Well, I...It's been a rough couple of days." I stop talking when i notice 2 people walking towards us holding something.....

what is that?

oh i know! wait..


"NO!" I shout as they shoot at us. The bullets hit Delores making her chest , head, and arms fall to me. I look over. "Shit its them." I hear five mutter. Hazel and Cha Cha. "God Dammit." I sigh and hide Delores under a clothing rack. "I'll be right back for you." I tell her and run to five.

"Come." He tells me holding his hand out. I take it and we teleport to another aisle or whatever.

"You see that?" I hear Cha Cha ask. "You said they were special. So now what?" Hazel asks.

" You start over there, I'll go to the other end. Meet in the middle." Cha Cha Pointed. I lean to five. "You take Cha Cha. I got Hazel." He nods and kisses my cheek. "Be safe." I nod.

I teleport to where Hazel was. "'Elastic wrist splint.' Yes!" He said causing me to chuckle but low enough he can't hear. I gasp at the sight of a butterfly knife. "Yes!" I accidentally say a little too loud.

"Oh shi-" before i finish hazel shoots at me but I duck down and roll closer to him. I quickly stand up, kicking the back of his knee to make him get on his knees. "I'm married, Hazel." I joke before hitting him in the head with my gun. I couldn't bring myself to shoot him.

"C'mon" Five says startling me. We run as they shoot at us. "Shit. Come ON" five tried to teleport us away but was too tired. "Got Them!" Cha Cha pointed a gun at us but got distracted by police sirens. "get down" i whisper.

Were hiding under the counter and i hear cha cha. "Shit the bastards jumped again! Come on lets go." I make sure they leave. "Where's Delores?" I ask five. He gives me a duffel bag and I smile. "You're an angel." I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "Let's go." Five smiles and teleports us out of there.


We walk into the academy tired. " Five? Y/N?" I look up to see Allison and Luther. "What the hell happened to you?" She asked. I was too tired to answer.

"Are you okay? Can we help?" Luther says reaching to me. Five grabs his hand. "There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do." I sigh at this. "Were fine just... you know long day. But thanks." We walk to fives room and go to bed.


I wake up and see Five drinking coffee. "Here ya go love." He hand me one. "Thanks." I say and take a sip. "So what's the plan for today?" I ask. "Well were going to spy on that lab guy. I didn't trust him. You can go change or shower right now. I know you don't like that dried blood on you." He says. I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "Okay brb."


"Lets Go." I say heading out the door. "Wait. Lets take the fire escape." He opens his window. "Why?" I ask walking toward it. "Less Talking." He shrugs before going down.

"Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever.. priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!" I Hear Klaus yell as I'm going down the ladder.

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me..." Five says helping me off the ladder. I jump on the ground.

"I don't care."

"Hey! You know there are easier ways out of the house, buddy?" Klaus says taking a sip from his flask. "I hope thats water Klaus!" I point "Of course mi hermana." He replies. I knew it wasn't.

"This one involved the least amount of talking. Or so I thought." Five sighed answering Klaus.

"Hey, hey, hey, so...You need any more company today? I could, uh... clear my schedule." He says taking another swing at his flask.

"Looks like you've got your hands full." I reply gesturing toward the garbage he's in. Literally.

"Oh, this? No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just..." he says looking through the dumpster. "I just misplaced something. That's all." He says picking up a bagel. "Oh! Found it! Thank God!" He hesitates but takes a bite. "Gross Klaus!" I exclaim.

"Delicious." He mumbles. "Spit it out Klaus." I tell him and he spits it.

"I'm done funding your drug habit." Five says sternly grabbing my hand and dragging me away. "Bye Klausy!" I wave.

"Come on! You don't... Maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother! Not you." He tells the air.

"¡Mi hermano! I love you!" He tells us.

"Even if you can't love yourself!" He shouts as we steal a Van.

"Huh that's was deep." I tell five. "And don't mention drugs or alcohol to Klaus. You know he's just out of rehab!" I hit his arm. "Okay fine." He parks.

"Oh shoot sorry you had to be in there for so long." I tell Delores as I take her out of the bag.

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