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"No greater light illuminates my path than the love you have brought into my life."

We were at the house watching Grace save Allison's life. "Who will donate blood?" Grace said and everyone said "I will.". "I'm doing it" Luther scoffed and Pogo spoke up. "I'm afraid not. Your blood is like mine." "Hey dont sweat it! I got this big guy. I love needles!" Klaus said telling grace to take his blood. "Master klaus. Your blood is too polluted." Pogo said referring to his drugs. "Me! I'll do it!" Y/n said her voice shaking. "No y/n, Dear. You're too young to donate the amount of blood we need." Grace smiled and Diego stepped forward. "I'll do it." Grace pulled out the needle and Diego fainted. "Stick him." Pogo nodded. Y/n held Diego's hand while they drew blood. She knew about diego's fear with needles.

Klaus and Y/n sat on the couch anxious and worried as Diego Luther and Five talked. "Let's go." Five grabbed y/ns hand and klaus stopped. "you guys can count me out. I mean no offense it's just i feel this is a lot of pressure for newly sober me." Klaus smiled but they looked at him. "You're coming." they all said. Y/n knew klaus wouldn't listen so she opened her butterfly knife with one hand and threw it next to his crotch while looking away. "Let's go." She said still walking away and all the guys were impressed yet scared of her.

They walked in the house to see Harold Jenkins dead. "Oh. Wow." Y/n sighed passing her husband the eyeball from her pocket. "Ew five!" The boys said as five puts the prosthetic eyeball in the dead man's eye socket. "Yep it's a match." Five said and y/n nodded. "We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse." "Yay! Let's go." Klaus started walking but Diego grabbed him. "No it can't be that easy." Y/n sighed and held her head as she thought of something. She tuned the others out. "Let's find Vanya." Then she walked to five and blinked away.

"No sign of Vanya. We looked in all the rooms." "Ok well im out." Diego says and the others raise a brow. "Where are you going?" "Vanya is out there. Hazel and Cha Cha are." Five says and Diego looks at him. " I know. Ima get my things and then leave. I have unfinished business with those fools." Diego says and Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Did dad say anything about the apocalypse? Any clues?" Five told Klaus. "No no clues. Terrific shave but no clues." "Jesus." Five scoffed and walked away. "I know what you're thinking and not everyone is a complete idiot." y/n said holding fives hand. "I- No- Ok. They are massive idiots." Five sighed.

"Oh actually!" Klaus said causing the couple to turn around. "He said something about my potential and how I barely scratched the surface of my-" Klaus said but five looked at his watch. " How did he know about the apocalypse?" "Idk but listen. This whole jumping through time of yours. How did you know how to do that?" "He didn't." y/n shrugged. "You'd realize that of you were actually sober." Five said waking away.

"I am! for 2- almost 2 days now." Klaus cried. "Oh 2 days?" Five said sarcastically. "Feels like 45 years." "Klaus you've been figiting all day. Who are you kidding?" Five turned to klaus. "We'll I guess we're both fighting our addictions." Klaus walked up to five and y/n. "I'm not an addict." "Yes you're addicted to a drug called each other." Klaus smirked and y/n scoffed. "Klaus I was on your team." "we're not addicted." "First sign denial. Please i've seen you two. You wouldn't last a day without each other." Klaus smiled and turned around. The two blinked and stopped Klaus in his tracks. "You and I. We're not the same!" Five pointed to Klaus with anger in his eyes. "I've seen that look. The eye of someone who doesn't know who they would be without someone. Trust me." Klaus said and y/n groaned and walked away.

Y/n poured 2 cups of margaritas and sat next to five. "Do you think we actually did it? Stopped the apocalypse?" Five said. "I-" y/n started but she didn't even have an answer. "Now what?" She sighed. "I don't know." He said. There was a knock at the door and they both looked up.  "I'll get it." Y/n said.

The door opened to reveal Hazel. "Hey y/n!" Hazel said pointing a gun at her but she was unfazed. "Do you have my sister? And if not would you like a margarita?" Y/n said inviting Hazel inside. "Who was it?" Five asked. "Hazel." "You here to kill us?" Five asked and Hazel looked at his gun. "Oh sorry. Old habit. I understand why you might feel that way though." "Yeah i mean you attacked our house and tried to kill our family and kidnapped me and my brother." Y/n said.

"I mean I cant do anything about the past. But i'm not the only killer in this room. You guys. Shit I cant believe the skill you guys have. That job in Calhoun. That's shits legendary. I cant believe im here talking to you guys." Y/n smiles at this but five interrupts. "Hazel why are you here?" "Well i'm. you know." but before they could actually know diego attacks Hazel. Five almost stops them but y/n grabs him. "Let him. He needs this."

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