06| The love triangle story

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Chapter 49 : The Love Triangle Dilemma

I feel like I'm caught in a love triangle, and it's tearing me apart. Andrew, Lorenzo's brother, has confessed his feelings for me, but I'm already with Lorenzo. The worst part is, Lorenzo doesn't know yet. I'm lying in bed with him, trying to push these thoughts away.

"Good morning, beautiful," Lorenzo murmurs, pulling me closer.
"Good morning," I reply, though my heart is heavy with confusion.
Suddenly, we hear some disturbing noises coming from Andrew's room. Gross. I can't help but wonder who he's with, and why it's affecting me so much.
"Eww, he's with someone," I say, trying to mask my jealousy.
"Why does it matter?" Lorenzo asks, his voice edged with curiosity.
"No reason," I mumble. But deep down, it bothers me more than I want to admit.
Things go from bad to worse when I get a text from my mom saying she arrived home last night. Panic surges through me—if she sees me here, she'll kill me.
"We don't have the window anymore. How am I going to get out?" I whisper urgently.

"Jump out the window?" Lorenzo suggests, half-joking.
"Are you crazy? I don't want to risk not seeing you again!" I retort. "Get Lisa to help."
Lisa, the maid, quickly helps me sneak out of the house, but not before I run into Andrew's mysterious guest. The girl is smug, throwing off comments that make me feel small and insignificant. I'm burning with jealousy.

Chapter 50: Confessions and Consequences

With my emotions in turmoil, I head to my therapist, Mrs. Kelly. As I spill everything—my confusing feelings for Andrew, the kiss, and the fact that I slept with Lorenzo—I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

"So many things have happened in the past weeks," I tell her. "I kissed Andrew. I slept with Lorenzo. And now I'm jealous of some girl who was in Andrew's room today."
"That's a lot to deal with," Mrs. Kelly says, nodding sympathetically. "Do you really like Andrew?"
"I do. But I like Lorenzo more. I just feel so confused."

Mrs. Kelly helps me realize that the girl's comments were likely made out of jealousy, and that I need to focus on what I truly want. But even after the session, I'm still torn.
When I get home, my brothers question me about where I was last night. I try to lie, saying I stayed at Sophia's, but they see right through me.
"Really? You were at Lorenzo's again?" Matthew accuses.

"Calm down, I just slept over," I snap.
"Do you realize how this looks? You're going to end up pregnant!" Eddie exclaims, pushing me too far.
I run to my room in tears, feeling betrayed by my own family. When Eddie comes to apologize, I don't know if I can forgive him.

Chapter 51: Memories of Ben

To take my mind off things, I paint a portrait of Ben for his family. It's a way to honor his memory, to keep him close even though he's gone. As I paint, I remember all the good times we had—the walks on the beach, his laughter, his unwavering support.

When I finish, I decide to give it to Mrs. Smith, Ben's mom. She's been through so much—losing Ben, her father, and now her mother is ill too. I hope this painting brings her some comfort, even if just a little.

Chapter 52: The Guilt and the Escape

But even after completing the painting, I can't shake the guilt over what happened with Andrew. I feel like a terrible person, especially since Lorenzo has been nothing but amazing to me. How can I tell him what I did?
I decide to escape for a while and visit my dad, who lives in another part of Seattle. I don't tell my mom why I'm leaving, but my dad knows something is wrong. When I arrive, I break down and tell him everything.

"I cheated on Lorenzo, Dad. I don't know why I did it, but I did."
"Sweetheart, it's going to be okay," he reassures me. "You'll figure this out."
But I'm not so sure. To make things worse, I have to deal with my dad's girlfriend, Riley, whom I've never liked. She's manipulative, and I've caught her stealing from my dad before. I want to tell him, but I know it will break his heart.

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