01|goodbye to my friend story

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Release Date: November 10th, 2021

This story is being published and will also be adapted into a show and a movie. It will remain on Wattpad as long as possible and will be available in hardcover. There will be nine books in the series.

Chapter 1: A Simple Hello

Hi, my name is Lilly, and this is my story. I'm 15 years old, and I live in Seattle, Washington. There's something I've been keeping secret, something I've been holding onto for what feels like forever: I'm in love with my best friend, Lorenzo.

Life hasn't always been easy for me. My parents got divorced when I was little, and ever since, it's been just me and my three brothers—Mason, Matthew, and Eddie. Despite everything, we're a close-knit family, and I've always had my friends by my side: Lorenzo, Brian, Ben, and Sophia. We've been inseparable for as long as I can remember.

I met Lorenzo when I was just five years old. It
was a day like any other—just me, alone on the playground, lost in my own world. I remember that day vividly, the way the sun shone brightly, casting long shadows of the swings and slides. The other kids were running around, their laughter filling the air, but I felt like I was in a bubble, separate from all of it.
I was sitting on a swing, my feet barely touching the ground, when I noticed a boy standing nearby, watching me. He was dressed differently from the other kids—his neatly pressed white shirt, tucked into tan dress pants, and shiny black shoes made him look like he was ready for a fancy event rather than a day on the playground. Even his hair was carefully combed, not a strand out of place. It was clear he came from a wealthy family, and his appearance only made him stand out more.

At first, I was too shy to say anything, but he didn't seem to mind. He just walked over to me with a confident smile and said, "Hi."
"Hi," I replied, surprised that someone like him wanted to talk to me.
"Do you want to play with us?" he asked, his brown eyes full of warmth and curiosity.
I hesitated for a moment, glancing over at the group of kids he had come with. They were all playing together, laughing and having fun. I had always been a little shy, especially around kids I didn't know well, but there was something about the way he asked that made me feel comfortable.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed, my initial shyness melting away as I smiled back at him.
He grinned and held out his hand, helping me off the swing. "I'm Lorenzo, by the way."
"Lilly," I said, feeling a bit more confident as I shook his hand. It was small, warm, and comforting.

Together, we ran over to the other kids and joined in their game. They welcomed me with open arms, and before long, I was laughing and playing as if I had known them all my life. Lorenzo stayed close by my side, making sure I felt included in everything. From that moment on, we were inseparable.
Over the next few years, Lorenzo and I became the best of friends. We spent nearly every day together, whether it was at school, at each other's houses, or just exploring the neighborhood. His family was kind and welcoming, and I often found myself spending time at his house, which was much larger and grander than mine. Despite our differences in background, none of that seemed to matter to Lorenzo. He treated me like I was the most important person in the world, and in return, I felt the same about him.

Chapter 2: New Friendships and Old Memories

When I was seven, I met Sophia. We didn't know each other at first, even though we went to the same school. One afternoon, Lorenzo and I were playing at the park when we heard a woman's voice, sharp and urgent, calling out in Spanish.
"Ven aquí ahora," the woman shouted. "Get over here now."
I turned to see a little girl, about my age, standing frozen in place. She had long, dark hair and big brown eyes that were wide with fear. She looked terrified. Her name was Sophia, though I didn't know it then. Her mom was angry because she wasn't supposed to be at the park, but her older sister had taken her there anyway.
Sophia tried to defend herself. "Fue María quien me llevó aquí," she said, her voice trembling. "It was Maria who brought me here."
Before I knew what I was doing, I stepped forward, my heart pounding in my chest. "Tiene razón, no debería meterse en problemas si no fuera culpa suya," I said. "She's right. She shouldn't get in trouble. It wasn't her fault."
Sophia's mom turned her sharp gaze on me. "¿Qué me dices?" she asked. "What did you say to me?"

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