Late nights

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Y/f/b - your favorite book

I had nothing better to do than read and basically just scroll through Instagram and tiktok just waiting for the day to end since its 5:02 pm until I got a call from my best friend Karl.

Karl : Hey!
Y/n: Hey!
Karl: What are you doing right now?
Y/n: Uhm just reading my favorite book
Karl: Y/f/b?
Y/n: Yes, how did you know?
Karl: I just do
You both chuckled
Karl: Can I come over I'm really bored right now
Y/n: Of course! I'll order Chinese
Karl: Okay I'll be there in 10

He hung up and I called the Chinese restaurant immediately and just got our usuals, as I was waitng for the food and of course Karl to come I decided to tidy up a little and get into more comfy clothes after I changed I looked at my phone and see Karl's message

"I'm gonna be late traffic is so annoying"

I decided not to respond and just continue reading my book, I sat down in my sofa and got lost in the story until I hear the door creak open to see Karl wearing sweats and a hoodie.

Karl: Hiiiiiii
He says coming towards me and I noticed that he was holding two bags and I gave him a confused look
Karl: Oh the Chinese was already there so I decided to pay for it I know how much you hate talking to people.
Y/n: Thanks you know me too well
He sat down beside me while I went to put down my book, I looked at Karl and he was already shoving food in his mouth.
Karl: I was hungry
He says pouting.

Our whole night consisted of binge watching shows and stuffing our faces, I look at my phone

3:28 am

I can tell Karl was tired but I wasn't so I decided to play YOU BELONG WITH ME by taylor swift, I danced around singing until Karl got up and joined me.

"You belong with me"
We sang it together since it was the ending of the song I looked at him and he was already looking at me and I couldn't move, all I could do was stare at his eyes and how perfect he was, he spoke up and said the 3 words I didn't think he would say to me.

"I love you" he says he immediately regretted the words he had just told me and started to ramble
Karl: I didn't mean that it was just-
And then I cut him off with a kiss as I pulled away I looked into his eyes again.
Y/n: I love you too
He couldn't believe what I just did and what I just said.
Karl: Can u please repeat that?
He says tearing up
Y/n: I love you god I really do
I wiped his tears and kissed him again

Karl Jacobs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now