Chapter 1: Special BROvert ops

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Author's note: This is my first Henry Stickmin fix so expect grammar mistakes and other mistakes

On with the show~

It was another mission done for the Special BROvert ops i.e. Charles Calvin and Henry Stickmin. The helicopter landed and they hopped off and went to General Hubert Galeforce's tent to report on their success on the mission.

"Alright! Another mission done, right Hen?"

Hen is a nickname for Henry from Charles, Henry looked at Charles and smiled. Henry is selectively mute so he uses ASL to communicate with other people mostly just Charles. Being a former thief and having trust issues can stop you from forming bonds with other people, especially if you're working with the Government.

"Right" signed Henry.

Galeforce looked up from his paperwork when they walked into his tent. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"It went successful Sir, Henry and I showed those Toppats whose boss," said Charles.

Henry agreed and signed his statement while Galeforce nodded and thanked the boys for their report. He dismissed them and went back to his reports. Charles and Henry walked out of the tent to do whatever, probably some mischief.

They passed by several soldiers including Rupert Price and the Bukowski twins. Henry was still nervous around Rupert considering what happened with his co-worker Dave Panpa and another co-worker Johnny Panzer, Rupert was also uncomfortable around Henry because of those same reasons.

Charles wrapped his arms around Henry to comfort him, he knows that he still feels guilty about what he did to Rupert and his friends back when he was a thief.

"Don't worry about him Henry, he'll get over it. He just needs to warm up to you that's all," whispered Charles, softly.

 Henry blushed at the physical contact, you see he has had a crush on Charles ever since he was "kidnapped" by the Government, he was one of the first people to accept he has Selective Muteness and the first person to treat him nice.

" I know it's just I tried apologizing to him about the incidents involving co-workers but he's refused every time." signed Henry, he was sad about Rupert not accepting him but can't blame him.

"Maybe if we invited him to one of our hangouts at the bar I can show him you're a nice guy instead of a criminal," suggested Charles, he was looking at Henry and smiling at him. He was waiting patiently for an answer from the former thief.

Henry thought for a moment and he glanced at him for a bit, Charles had always been a nice guy to everyone, when he first met him, he didn't expect a warm welcome from him. The only time he wasn't so friendly was when he was dealing with the Toppat clan, "He sure is determined to make things right between me and Rupert." thought Henry.

After a few more thinking he finally agreed and Charles grinned and hugged him, Henry's eyes widened and he turned more red. He almost looked like a tomato, he sure didn't know what to do in these situations except return the gesture so he did. They hugged for a while more than friends should have until something or someone ruined the moment.

"Hey Charles heads up!" shouted a voice, but it was too late. An object hit Charles in the head knocking in the head, snapping him and Henry out of their fantasy world.

Henry helped Charles up and they spotted the object that was thrown, it was a tiny blue ball. Charles picked it up and someone came up to them, it was Calvin Bukowski. He and his twin brother Konrad Bukowski were the troublemakers in the Government, always playing pranks on everyone and getting into trouble.

Charles gave the ball back to him and rubbed the sore spot on his head where the ball landed, he glanced at Calvin who looked like he was panicking.

"Next time throw the ball somewhere else, nice throw though," said Charles, making Calvin smile sheepishly.

He turned to see Henry trying to sneak off but was failing, he said goodbye to Calvin and ran quickly to catch up with him.

"Hey Henry, wait up!"

"I'm sorry I was getting overwhelmed and how's your head," said Henry, gesturing to Charles' head.

"You should have told me and it's fine," replied Charles, he smiled at him warmly.

"C'mon let's head to the cafeteria to eat something, I'm starving."

Henry nodded and they headed towards the cafeteria to eat.

Author's note: I redid this entire chapter cause it was bad and it was annoying me.

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