Chapter 17: Love The Way You Lie(Bad Ending)

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Author's note: Welp...this will be the bad ending and I'm not looking forward to writing this but I gotta do what I gotta do.

Charles glared at Dominic and he ground his teeth in anger, he kept his gun trained on Dom. He wanted to shoot Dom but how is he going to do it without hurting Henry in the process?

"Let. Him. Go," demanded Charles, he was pissed off as hell.

"Why would I? I'm his lover." jeered Dominic, he tightened his grip on Henry making him whine in pain.

"No, you are not!" shouted Charles, he was getting more angry by the second.

"Oh yeah says who."

" You don't deserve him! Not after all the bullshit you put him through! shrieked Charles.

"You treat him like a slave, you hurt him, you say stuff that lowers his self-esteem, and you made him hurt himself to the point of attempted suicide!" bellowed Charles.

Dominic didn't reply right away, he just stood there not moving. Henry was still quietly sobbing and trembling like he was cold, Charles needed a plan and fast.

"Your point will be?" answered Dominic, nonchalantly.

"Aaugh! You're insufferable! The point is that you are the biggest douche on the planet!" shouted Charles, it was like talking to a wall.

"Why thank you, that's the nicest thing you've said to me."

Dominic was smiling when he said that, he chirped in response because of it. He looked like a cat that had just eaten the canary, Charles wanted to punch the grin off his face.

"Look, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you don't treat the person you love like trash."

"Oh please, you're the last person to know about a relationship considering what happened between you and the idiot twin called Calvin."

Charles instantly froze from shock and anger but didn't show it, he was right but at least Calvin didn't hurt him or make him hurt himself. He just manipulated him...admittedly that hurt no matter what.

"Yeah...well at least he treated me decently, he wasn't hurting me!" argued Charles, his voice wavered in sadness.

"Even though he lied to you about Henry." hissed Dominic, acidly.

Henry was watching the scene with confusion and shock on his face, Calvin manipulated Charles into a relationship. Why? How come he just heard of this now?

Charles didn't reply, he knew Dominic was tormenting him. Trying to get a rise out of him, he won't let him have it. Charles gave Dominic a glare to show defiance.

Henry was trying to figure it a way to distract Dom so Charles could help him, as he was thinking of a plan the door opened again and everyone turned to see Rupert, Ellie, and Dave standing there with their guns pointed toward Dominic.

"Ok, this is getting old," said Dominic, he was about to head towards the exit until Rupert stepped in front of him, blocking his escape.

"Hold it right there, asshole," growled Rupert.

"Let him go!" exclaimed Ellie, Dave kept his gun and gazed at Dominic to make sure he didn't move.

"Oh how sweet, I didn't realize you have so many friends to come save you, Henry." spat Dominic, sarcastically.

Henry didn't retort, his expression was blank. He thought no one cared about him but it looked like someone did, he hoped Dominic didn't hurt or kill them...that seemed unlikely.

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