Chapter 15: It's Not Right But It's Ok

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Author's note: Listening to this song is what motivated me to write this chapter and R.I.P. Whitney Houston.

Rupert, Dave, and Victoria tried to gather evidence but there was a little snag, Dominic was acting nicer than usual both in public and with Henry alone. Without any evidence, how are they gonna prove he abusing Henry? Henry had started wearing long-sleeved shirts which was weird considering it was summer and it was really hot outside.

When asked about the sleeves, Henry would make up some kind of lame excuse and drop the subject. Charles and Ellie were worried about Henry, he started being distant towards them. He would flinch every time someone would raise their hand or try to hug him, he was all jittery and tense.

Charles tried to talk to Henry about what was wrong but Henry would just push him away, which hurt Charles and frustrated Ellie. Ellie has been pardoned by Galeforce and joined Charles and Henry, making the team called Triple Threat. She has gotten to know everyone at the base, and she takes a special liking to Victoria. She also gets along with Rupert and Dave, the Budowski twins on the other hand she likes Konrad but with Calvin...that's a whole other story.

She heard what Calvin did to Charles and wanted to beat the snot out of him but held back from Charles saying to her, he's not worth it. She didn't want to get into trouble right now, so she decided to start talking to her brother again. She was walking to find Victoria until she heard something when she passed by the Budowski twins' tent.

"He still won't talk to me."

"Can you blame him? I mean what you did do to him?

It was Calvin and Konrad, they were talking about what happened between Calvin and Charles. Ellie didn't mean to eavesdrop on them but it's hard for her, being a former criminal and all. She continued to listen through the flap of the tent, Calvin sounded remorse about how he treated Charles. 

"No...I screwed up," said Calvin, solemnly. 

Konrad went to his brother's bed and comforted him, he patted his back and gave him a one-arm hug. Calvin started to sob and Konrad rubbed his back softly, Ellie frowned at the orange-headed boy. It makes her feel bad for him but at the same time, he deserves it.

Charles was going through his phone and walking to his tent to wash up, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings until he bumped into Henry. Henry landed on his butt and he winced in pain, he glanced up at Charles in fear and mild happiness.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" exclaimed Charles, he was scrambling to help Henry up. Without thinking, Charles grabbed one of his arms roughly and Henry winced in pain again. 

"Ow," said Henry.

Charles stopped what he was doing and stared at Henry, Henry's face had gone pale and he bowed his head down and rubbed his arms while shivering as he was cold even though it was summer. 

"Hen...what's wrong and please don't say nothing," demanded Charles, his tone sounding firm but soft.

"I...can't tell you," murmured Henry, his head still down and not looking at Charles.

"Why can't you tell me?"

There was a brief moment of silence, there was no noise except the summer's cool breeze and a few birds chirping. Charles stared at Henry, waiting for an answer from the silent man. He studied the man's clothing, he was wearing a long-sleeved blue hoodie and khakis. 

"Henry?" asked Charles, slowly.

Henry glanced up at Charles, his eyes were glossy and he was trembling. 

"Cause he will kill you and me," whispered Henry, his tone emotionless, almost inaudible.

"What?" asked Charles, he didn't hear what Henry said.

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