Chapter 18: Wedding (Epilogue)

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Author's note: Well...this is the final chapter, I'm happy that you guys enjoyed this story. I'm sad that this story will end but I'm happy to make more fics. Oh, the above picture belongs to Shatterssun and the wedding outfit design belongs to Dokkidoolez.

It's been a couple of months since the drama and everything was beginning to go back to normal, Henry was still going through therapy but he had developed nightmares about Dominic. Charles was by his side every time they happened, they've officially gotten together after Dom's death.

It might been a little too fast for them but they both waited long enough, everyone at the base was supportive of them including Calvin. Calvin wanted to make amends to both Charles and Henry, so he got them to a secluded spot to apologize.

Charles wasn't happy to see Calvin but with Henry's encouragement, he agreed to hear to what Calvin had to say.

"I screwed up big time and I'm sorry," said Calvin, his head was down and his tone was filled with sadness and shame, Charles and Henry stared at each other. Henry motioned him to keep on listening, Charles sighed and he gave Calvin an indifferent look.

"For what?" questioned Charles, he was getting irritated. Henry squeezed his hand and he sighed in defeat, Calvin put his head up and blinked owlishly at him and his eyes lit up in surprise.

"I'm sorry for manipulating you into a relationship and causing you hurt and pain for you and Henry." apologized Calvin, sincerely.

There was a brief moment of silence, Charles was observing Calvin to see if he was lying. He wasn't,  he looked sincere and regretful. He exhaled slowly and glanced at Henry who was watching Calvin with pity, Henry felt sorry for Calvin but he needed to apologize.  

"I don't know I'm ready to forgive you yet," spoke Charles, after a moment. Calvin stared at him in confusion but before he could talk, Charles continued "I'm gonna give you a second chance but if you mess up again I will not hesitate to hurt you."

The way he said that told Calvin he was not kidding, Calvin nodded in understanding. He thanked them and left them alone, Charles sighed sadly and he turned to Henry and kissed him on the forehead making him blush in the process.

A couple of days later, Henry and Charles visited Henry's parents. They immediately approved of Charles cause he showed he was a much better partner to Henry, Terrence gave Charles the shovel talk similar to the one he gave him when Henry was in the hospital.    

They were all sitting in the living room when Charles wanted to talk to Terrence and Randy alone, they exchanged looks and nodded. Charles instructed Henry to stay and assured him it's nothing wrong, they all went to the other room to talk.

Randy and Terrence looked suspicious, Terrence crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. 

"Ok, kid what's up?" asked Terrence, Randy rubbed his arm and he waited for Charles to speak.

"I want to ask for your blessing," stated Charles, bluntly. Terrence and Randy stared at him in bewilderment, did they hear him correctly? Ask them for their blessing. Why would he...ooooh. 

Randy smirked and he bumped Terrence's arm, Terrence glanced at him and he also smirked. Charles on the other hand, was getting more anxious by the second. He just asked them for their blessing to marry Henry, he already bought the ring while Henry was not looking. All he needed was his parents' blessing.

"Do you promise to take care of Henry and love him forever," questioned Randy, softly. Charles snapped out of his stupor and he quickly nodded yes, Terrence nodded and he whispered into Randy's ear. They were discussing something and were looking at him which made him more nervous but didn't show it.

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