Chapter 11: The Wall

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Author's note:  Finally I can introduce Ellie Rose here! I was getting impatient and probably some of you guys too, since I added her in the tags in the story.  

Here we go~

Since the incident between Charles and Calvin, things have become tense between them. Charles refuses to be in the same room as Calvin while Calvin feels depressed and guilty about what he did to Charles. 

Galeforce was bewildered about why Charles was being hostile to Calvin until he heard what happened between them, he was furious that Calvin would do such a thing and he called him to the tent to discuss what had happened. Calvin was worried he was getting discharged and so was Konrad.

He wasn't, he was given probation and a warning to never do that to anyone again. He was also not allowed on missions until his probation, he thanked the General for not discharging him. He still felt guilty but every time he tried to apologize to Charles, he always ran away from him and avoided him.

Maybe he needs to give Charles some space, yeah that would work. He'll give him time to cool off. Meanwhile, Charles was doing some basic training with Rupert and Dave. He was helping Rupert train with Dave who still needs proper training to become at the same level as Rupert and Charles.

Dominic and Henry walked by them, Charles glanced at them and waved at Henry while he glared at Dom. Henry noticed the wave and he awkwardly waved back, however, Dom tightened his grip on Henry and quickly led him away from Charles while smirking at Charles. Soon after they left, things became rather tense.

"I don't like that guy," said Charles, while he was grinding his teeth. Rupert and Dave nodded their heads in agreement.

"He has that smug aura," said Dave.

"He's a prick, to be honest," said Rupert who was frowning. 

Charles snickered at the comment, he also noticed how Henry seemed uncomfortable when Dominic put his arm around him. It was like he didn't want it...which seems weird cause they were dating. Charles falls into a depression about that fact, he still feels like an idiot for allowing Calvin to manipulate him.

"Hey Charles?" asked Dave.


"Are you okay?" asked Dave in concern. 

Charles looked down on his sniper while he was cleaning it, he was feeling depressed and angry. 

"Yeah." lied Charles.

Dave wasn't convinced by the answer but dropped the subject to respect his privacy. Rupert was worried for Charles and Henry, he also noticed Henry's strange behavior with Dominic. Like Charles, he did not like Dominic at all. He acts like he's all that and he annoys Rupert and Charles like a thorn on their side.

Dave's POV

I know Henry has caused me trouble before, but despite what he has done I feel bad for him and Charles. I don't like Dominic, he seems...mean. He's got a charismatic aura and he acts like a dick towards him, Rupert, and Charles.

I also feel sorry for Charles, Rupert told me what happened between him and Calvin. How can somebody do that to someone who already has feelings for someone else? Especially if both parties' feelings are mutual.

I hope Charles and Henry will get together someday...

No one's POV

Captain Victoria Grit was walking to the General's tent to report something when she passed by Dom and Henry, she stopped and turned around to see Dom holding Henry's waist hard like he was possessive of him. She knew they were a couple but something told her Dom was treating him badly.

She once saw Dom bossing him around and belittling him in public, the words he always says to Henry make her blood boil. If it weren't for her status as Captain she would have beat the shit out of him and risked the discharge. 

She quickly got to the tent before she could start something, she went inside to find the General just sitting and about to stand up until he saw Victoria.

"Afternoon, Victoria," said Galeforce

"Afternoon, General," said Victoria while saluting him.

"At ease."

Victoria put her hand down and she reported her findings on suspicion of activity about the Wall.  The Wall was known to hold the most notorious and dangerous criminals, they were also known for their "morals". They have dubious ways of running the prison and treating their inmates like trash.

Back at Henry's Apartment

Dominic dragged Henry back to Henry's apartment to talk about what happened earlier with Charles, he shoved him onto the sofa and paced around the living room.

Henry sat on the sofa, he looked down at his feet while he was twiddling his fingers. He was scared of what Dom was gonna do to him, he said hi to Charles even though he promised to never talk to Charles.

"You know Henry." started Dominic while he was still pacing, making hand gestures.

"That guy, Charles...I don't like him anywhere near you."

Henry still had his head down but stopped twiddling his fingers, he looked up and gave Dom an apathetic look.

"I swept up your feet and you want to make me second-rate, if I ever see or even smell a hint of Charles, I'll bury the two of you." threatened Dominic.

Henry was speechless, he never thought Dominic would go that far. He trembled in fear and sadness, he began to sob.

"Now there, there, Henry." cooed Dominic, he went by Henry's side to comfort him. He hugged him, murmuring sweet words even though they meant more lies. Henry needs to escape from him, while Dom is distracted he grabs Dom's coat by the neck and he puts on the lamp hanging above the couch.

Dominic struggled to get out the coat while not to tear it, Henry ran out the door to get away from him. He doesn't know where he's going as long it's away from there, he keeps running for a few minutes until he slows to a stop.

He looked around to find he was in a clearing not from the base and the town, he was trying to catch his breath until he felt a prick on his neck. He started to feel drowsy but before he lost consciousness he saw two eyes and smiles grinning down at him and then he lost consciousness.

When Henry woke up moments later, he was sitting in a chair and his hands were in metal cuffs. He noticed there was a brown table in front of him and a silver ceiling lamp hanging above him.

"Well, Well, Well Henry, you were tough to find but we finally have you." said someone with a thick Russian accent. 

Henry glanced up to find a Russian man with a gray mustache and beard, he was sneering giving Henry a devious look on his face. 

"My name is Dmitri Johannes Petrov, I'm the warden of the Wall and you will be staying here for a long time," said Dmitri with a wicked on his face.

Henry was dumbfounded, he stopped committing crimes after he got pardoned by the Government. Why are they catching him now? What's gonna happen to him? He heard the Wall is infamous for its reputation on how they run things. 

"Grigori, take him to his cell," commanded Dmitri.

"As you wish." said another voice behind Henry. Grigori Olyat was Dmitri's right-hand man, he led Henry not to a cell but to a waiting room for prisoners who would have to wait for cells to be available.

Grigori opened the door and threw Henry on the floor in the room. 

"You wait here until the cell is found," said Grigori with a frown on his face. He closed the door and Henry inspected the room, he found another person in the room. She was sitting on the floor wearing the same shackles he was wearing.

She had red hair and an emotionless look on her face, she didn't want to be here, and neither did Henry. He glanced up at the ceiling to find a hatch opened, he looked back to the girl and back up at the hatch.

He felt himself giving a smug grin caused he had an idea.

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