Half Inch Pinkie Dick

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Hi guys! I got this crazy little story in my head and wrote it out for you. It's out of order from this story here but I've gotten so many wonderful messages from everyone that I wanted to put up something. Thank you always for being so supportive and the best group of friends! Hope you enjoy it. And I apologize to Bill Gates in advance 😅


"I haven't slept or eaten. Not since I've gotten the news. My dick hasn't risen for days," I say as I sit on that familiar worn monstrosity of a couch in Flynn's office. My fingers return to the leather that was torn and lifted by my much younger, more troubled hand. "I can't look at Ana because I can't think of anything but... the divorce."

The word hangs heavy in the overly incense scented air. Flynn still thinks burning a patchouli scented stick will solve more problems than the cockroaches running away. I think it's to cover up his marijuana problem.

"Christian, what happened?" Flynn asks as he crosses his legs in his swiveling chair. Even his choice of seating means he has no backbone. "This seems out of thin air." I don't know what he's talking about; the air seems pretty thick in here to me.

"The honeymoon is over, children grow, and everything that was built together I guess was all just a lie." My chest tightens at the thought. I stare out at the park through the window behind him. All the flowers are dying as winter is almost here. Then I remember it's only April.

Flynn looks into my file. "This is a turn of events. The last time we spoke you were upset that the children's school cast Fritzy's father as The Giving Tree." Oh, that's right. I'm still bitter about that. They cast me as a falling apple.

"These things come at you with no warning." I pound my chest with a cocked wrist and closed fist knuckles. I can feel the metal of my wedding ring pierce my flesh. Also, my chest hair is caught up in an errant button.

"It must have been a terrible shock," he says, and he looks a bit shaken up too. Maybe he thinks I'll jump out of the window and that'll be the end of his vacation home and gold watches.

"The biggest!" I say and I clear my throat of the unshed tears. I take a moment to process the bitter truth I'm about to impart. "I just never imagined that Bill and Melinda Gates would ever get divorced."


Flynn just sits there, staring at me like a jackass trying to figure out if the information I just dangled in front of him is sugar or shit.

"Bill and Melinda Gates?" he asks.

"Yes, the self-made billionaire and his wife, that's the two, or the one now," I say. "She's left him. They're finished. It'll be the biggest divorce in history, and all because he's an asshole and she just fell out of love with him."

"And this bothers you so much because?" he asks.

"Because he's like me. He's a fucker with a lot of money and everyone hates him, but there was hope for him because a good woman who occasionally embarrassed herself by drinking too much at the governor's mansion loved him."

I'll never forget those parties. During the last one, Melinda sucked back so many of Kate's lemon drops she never lost the pucker. Neither did Bill. Although I don't think he was drinking much that night. His mouth is perpetually in the form of a tight, virgin asshole.

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