Happy Birthday Mr. Grey: Part Two

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"Are the violinists here yet?" I ask Taylor as we all make our way up the walk at my parents' house. The kids are skipping ahead and Ana and Gail are chit-chatting about some new meatloaf recipe. Like when is there anything new about meatloaf? Look at the photographer, he's a perfect example. Thank Mary, Joseph and Phoebe's Unicorn Poop Fairy that he won't be here tonight. My birthday is the one celebration his invitation is mysteriously lost to.

"They'll be up and ready at nine o'clock, sir," Taylor says.

"Why so late?"

"It doesn't take too long to set up violins, Mr. Grey. You just put them under your chin and go." One would think he was being sarcastic, but one does not know Taylor.

"Thank you, Taylor, for that philharmonic worthy music lesson." I shake my head. "Just make sure the ice sculpture isn't dripping into the sparkling grape juice fountain. I don't want the flavor watered down. And see to it that the roses don't look depressed."

"How should I go about that, sir?"

"Have them repeat self motivational messages to themselves and pop Xanax." I roll my eyes. He still looks so serious. "How do you think? Make sure they've been hydrated properly. I don't want their edges all withered up like their best day was last week. I want fresh, springtime. Looking ahead to many more years of a bright, happy, rose scented future."

"Yes, sir. I'll give them a spritz before you go."

"Good. There is no room for error. Everything tonight has to be perfect."

"Of course, sir."

"What are you two whispering about?" Ana asks, stopping midway up the path and then taking my arm when we reach her. Hell, I don't remember my parent's walk being so long from the driveway. Maybe I am getting old. No wonder my grandfather always tries to park on the lawn.

"We're just discussing the list of tomorrow's activities," I say as we begin to walk again.

"I thought you gave him the night off," she says as he walks ahead to find Gail.

"This is off for Taylor. He's going to sit down with us to eat pork."

"Taylor, you aren't to listen to him anymore tonight," Ana says. "Enjoy the evening."

"You know what my 'tivities are gonna be on my list tomorrow, Dad?" Teddy asks, grabbing my other hand and hopping over the cracks to save his mother's back, I suppose.

"Homework, eating broccoli and following all your father's rules?"

He shakes his head and laughs. I didn't think so.

"I'm gonna dig for worms and make them a worm zoo in a box with so much dirt the yard may be all gone when you get home."

"Thanks for the warning." We've got over ten acres out there. How much dirt do these worms need? I think I asked that about Welch and his team last week while discussing pay hikes.

"And then I'm gonna play super soaker wars with Fritzy," he says.

"Good idea," I say. "But, do it all at our house. Fritzy's father falls asleep too much when friends come over." I don't want to tell him he gets pass-out-drunk on odd afternoons with bimbos he meets online. Since Fritzy is Teddy's best friend, his father has been under surveillance. Fritzy's mother should be declared a saint. Either that or brain dead.

"Well, well, well, we were afraid you weren't coming to you your own birthday celebration," my father says, greeting us at the wide open door, along with my mother who smothers Ana and the kids with hugs and kisses.

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