Up and Away

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"I can't see where we're going," Ana says, blindfolded in a red satin sash that matches her dress, as I direct our way into the elevator that leads to the rooftop at Escala. Though she's wrapped up in a Burberry coat, it's just open enough to give me a peek of her cleavage. And if it's glorious normally, tonight it's halle-fucking-lujah I've left my body and I'm singing praises with the chorus on high magnificent. Though I'm tempted to make a stop at the apartment for some playtime that would make the walls of the red room blush, I have much bigger plans for this evening that heavily involve Ana's heavenly honeydews.

"Good. It's a surprise," I say, pressing the button to take us up as I look down and see she's biting into that delicious lip of hers. And like Pavlov's dog, I've got a bone. "Mrs. Grey, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Are you seduced?" she asks, with a playful smirk.

I take a piece of her hair in my fingers and play with it as I lean in to whisper in her ear. "Just because we're in an elevator doesn't mean I'll automatically lose all self control and ravage you here." I nip at her lobe.

"Why not?" She giggles, twisting her crimson pout. "It's tradition."

"Behave, Anastasia." I give her a little smack on her behind and she squeals and giggles again like she's a bottle of champagne bubbles bursting forth with the pop. I have a feeling I'll have the same problem if we don't get out of this elevator soon. Only, it won't be giggle bubbles popping off.

The elevator dings as we reach the top of the building and the doors open. A gust of wind blows as I lead her out onto the roof.

"I thought tonight we could go on a little trip," I say, removing her blindfold to reveal the helicopter waiting on standby ahead.

"We're going on Charlie Tango?" she asks, her hair billowing in the wind and soft curls framing her face as she claps her hands together and more of her bubbles spill forth. And of course I drink it all in and become intoxicated on her happiness. What can I say?—I'm an Anaholic.

"Are you excited?" I ask, and she nods as I wrap my arms around her from behind and pull her close, nuzzling her chestnut locks and inhaling a scent of fall that is pure and sweet and is only Ana. I think my first inclination that it was love was when I started to illicitly fantasize about smelling her hair.

"But, you've done this many times with me," I say.

"Somehow, it always feels like the first." She leans her head back into my shoulder. And though we're on a rooftop at night in winter, I feel nothing but warmth with her.

It does remind me of that first night I took her up in the sky. Though, I showed her what it was like to fly above the city, she showed me what it felt to be on top of the world.

"Only firsts with you," I say. I can feel her smile against my neck. "Now, you'll catch cold out here and we need to get a move on." I reluctantly release her, but take her hand quickly, so I don't have to stop touching her for long.

"I still love that you can do this, you know," she says as I walk her to her door of the helicopter and I smile. To think for so long I only ever flew alone.

"Now, be careful. There's three of you," I say as I open her door and take the utmost care to get her secured inside.

"You still love strapping me into things," she says, laughing, as I adjust her harnesses and belt to support the weight of the additional precious cargo she's carrying.

"That'll never change, baby." I wink, then lean in to give her a kiss. "And maybe if you're lucky, I'll strap you in more, later."

She smiles as I pull on her buckle and check that she's secure. I run my fingers in between the part in her coat and allow my forefinger to brush deliciously slow down the swell of her belly and then along her thigh. The evidence that she likes this is clear from her audible gasp and her left nipple that's hardening against the satin and just peeking out from beneath the wool of her coat. The evidence I like it is fighting for real estate in my pants. And trust me, it's New York City down there.

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