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"Because I'm scared" Peter's voice broke.

It took him a second to notice that he wasn't in the start of a horror movie, that there was no alien slobber drooping onto his hands.


Yeah. He was crying again. Twice in one night. Funny how easily things were getting to him now! Before meeting Tony, shoveling it all aside was just his Thing! He didn't care, the goal was to just hide it. He didn't know why, maybe not to be weak? Who cared? Certainly no one he knew.

So why? Why does he have to keep crying?

And oh boy the look on Stephen's face, man. If Peter wasn't frozen in the chair in fear and whatever else was shaken up in the cocktail of wtf, he'd've set it as his phone screen. Like, Peter could see the exact mindset the wizard was in.

He's crying?? Why is he crying?? Did I make it happen? Tony is gonna kill me. How do people comfort crying kids?? Should I call Tony? But he sucks with crying people when it's not idol-tears. Another snack maybe???

Peter didn't let Stephen make the choice. He stood up and walked out.

It was too much. That was too close.

Peter shouldn't involve them in this crap! He'd find a way out! Some way that no one had to know about! No one had to see his cage if he buried it deep enough, even if it meant taking himself beneath with it. If he wanted anything to stop, then everything had to stop.

Two choices. Only two. He only gave himself two.

Hide somewhere, cut off her contact with Tony, and live life just somewhere away from her. Pretend she never existed unless someone asked. All of the answers would be the same anyways, the lies wouldn't change!


Well I'm sure one could guess. A little mourning maybe, but everyone's lives would be the same. His aunt wouldn't care anyways, and she was the only one in position to.

It was sad, really. Seeing that something you'd taken as if it was the only serious and real and beautiful thing ever to exist..

And watching as it falls through your fingers. A fools gold.

Was that all this was?

Peter faced a wall. Or- a door really. A real one. A glass one. He was standing at the elevator leading directly to the back of the building, or in other words, outside. Away. Gone.

He'd be off as soon as he reached the bottom.

All that was needed was to actually get in.

Wait- why??

When did he-

Why was he leaving?

Oh Yeah.. yeah, he was going now. The doors opened. He was leaving now. Stepping apart from his treasure.

That made it clear. His treasure. His fools gold. His disguise as a blessing, one day to be revealed as a curse.

He was definitely leaving. Definitely had the willpower to walk away from it.

Yeah, totally stepping into the elevator.

He did it. Stepped in. That's what he did.

Some other people in the elevator. A man nearly three times his age, and a red-headed girl in front of him.

She turned around and he closed his eyes.

He could feel it. He was walking.


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