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This is a short!! It's Peter replying to comments, I have no idea how to continue the story so I am stalling. I love you guys 💛💛

Peter scrolled through some of the comments. A few of them made him laugh, but most of them just reminded him of his aunt.

Still, he felt obligated to reply as much as he could, though it was little. People did seem worried, and he didn't want to stress anyone out. He hadn't been online since then, so it'd make sense.

Peter braced himself, taking in a deep breath.

Question one.

Omg Peter can i help you??

TheOfficialPeterPan replied:
I'm not sure what there is to help! I'm all good now, I didn't expect so many people to be worried about me! It was quite a shock to wake up to. Thank you for the concern ^^

Aren't you in the hospital?? Dude you should be resting!!

Peter ignored the response and continued to the rest. He blamed it on the sheer amount and laziness rather than avoidance of the question itself.

Can you be my hubby?

I'll have to check my schedule

Marry me??

I'd have to ask John Cena, he has my credentials for a credit card scam we're doing

The questions like these, as much as they amused him, also confused him beyond belief. He had no clue what about him suddenly was so interesting to strangers, because looks certainly wasn't his strong suit in his opinion. More like.. dweebyness or something.


I would take a bullet for you Peter

I would take double that for a worm, you are worth at least 23 bullets. Also what is a bepis?? 🪱


Little did Peter know, not only would this become one of the top comments in his messages (despite not receiving a single answer to his question), but now people were claiming each other's worth through bullets. Example, apparently many considered Jeff Bezos to be worth shooting a gun, and Eri (whoever that was) to be worth at LEAST 283. It was a very varied reply section.


I love you Peter

I love you too (:


Onfg are you okay??



Omfg are you alive??

Still checking


Petition to kill his aunt

Please don't


Hi Peter. I saw the news articles lately and I thought I'd write a comment to you. I don't know when you'll get this, or even if you'll read it, but just know there are a lot of people, even though we're strangers, backing you. We don't know all of what happened, and I don't want to get the facts wrong but we do know someone close to you hurt you. It saddens me that a fellow teenager had to go through that. I know I'm just a stranger in your dm's, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here. I donated to a GoFundMe that was created. I don't know if it'll actually go to you, but it couldn't hurt to try, right?


I.. don't know how to reply to this to be honest.. I guess I'm not getting the message I think you all are trying to give to me. A lot of messages ask if I'm alright or doing better, or if I need help or want to talk, but I don't think that's how it works, or how it should be.

I think I'm beginning to understand how different my aunt was to me than others, because I remember just last month or so when everything that happened felt like a normal Tuesday, but I just feel selfish feeling pity for myself.

Yeah, whatever I'm dealing with might be a bit more extreme than others, but I also know that some people don't have the luxury I did with getting great friends to help me, even if they're still totally oblivious. I doubt I'd still be alive without them.

I guess the worst thing in my head now is that there are other people living like this. Still. For me, it feels like a nightmare is over, and another one is about to start. Eye of the storm situation. But other kids? Teens? Adults, even?? I just left them behind. Yeah, I'm terrified how the people I know will react, but I'm even more scared for the people I can't help.

I want to help, but what can I do that people haven't already tried?? Say stop?? Spread awareness??? I'm not built for publicity, and I don't have any power over what people do. It doesn't matter how many people I help, another one will always be there. Always. And I think that's the worst part of it.

Anyways, sorry for ranting. Your comment hit me harder than I thought it would. I don't have anything to do right now, or anywhere to go really, but I'm glad I found your comment (:

(P.s. don't waste money on me!! You might need that!!!)


Yeah, so Peter was crying now. Always fun.

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