Dont be upsetti, look, a Bugatti

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(This if Fred. He's my emotional support shark today and I wanted to let y'all hold onto him this chapter. Nothing bad happens, he just likes being there for people)

Tony was pissed.

Even that was an understatement, actually.

Why? You may be asking?

Well, perhaps it's because the infamous spider-man, AKA the guy always on the news for getting in fights with criminals, was a child.

And not just ANY child, no! This pipsqueak infant looking kid.

He didn't even look like he could lift over 30 pounds, much less 4+ fully grown men.

(Y'all I promise the writing isn't always this bad, bear with me because this was the first actual scene I've written lmao)

Yet here Tony stood over the small boy as he looked up in awe at the shiny suit, tears staining his rose cheeks. It took all Tony had not to shout at the kid for risking his life. He knew that would just make this a million times worse.

"You alright, kiddo?" He said, edging closer to the unnamed teen.

The boy seemed to be in a small state of shock currently, and Tony couldn't tell if it would help the situation or not. He decided to end the awkward staring contest by pulling the kid into a standing position.

Holding his arm out, he attempted to lighten the mood a bit, "Hello, Tony here, what's your name?"

After about 2.35 seconds, the kid finally responded, rushing over his words due to the fact he took so long "oh shoot yeah uh, hi, I'm peter.."

Tony let out his famous grin.

"So, while I have F.R.I.D.A.Y. deal with Flash for the time being, why don't you and I go get something to eat? Food really does help the body calm down. Trust me, I would know" Tony suggested, gesturing down the street for not many reasons other than persuasion.

"I.. uh.. Mr Stark sir I sorta still have school you know.." he mumbled, allowing time for Tony's brain to register that this in fact would be considered kidnapping if he did take the child without any relation.

"Right. Well, I'm sure they won't mind you leaving early, right?" Peter's head shot up to Tony's.

"Are you asking me to skip school?? Isn't education important??" Peter was clearly surprised, his knowledge idol had just asked him to miss half a day of school so they could hang out.

So that they could hang out. As in Tony and Peter. World famous genius and socially awkward nobody.

"Are you sure..?" Was all he could muster, not bothering to debate for a battle he knew he'd lose if Tony really meant it.

"Sure I'm sure, and if you're so worried about missing out on your education then you and I can go tinker in my lab for a bit, how does that sound?" Tony knew there was practically no way Peter could deny this request.

It was flawless. Heck, he'd write a note to the principal if needed. His main plan was to secretly get the measurements for the Spider-Man suit without Peter knowing, and distract him by letting him work on the AI he doesn't know will be his. Tony had only known this kid for a little while but he seemed like the kind of guy who'd put maximum effort into something he didn't think was for him. Therefore creating the best AI he can make for himself, to his personalization, all while Tony works on keeping him safe without him knowing. There was a reason he was labeled a genius.

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