WoooAhah is that hit famous gas station employee, Demi Levado???

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(This is kinda how I imagine David btw. Idk what you guys are thinking but here's a visualization if you needed one)

"And where have you two been all morning?".

Peter and Tony emerged from the elevator simultaneously, steps in sync as they entered into the kitchen. Both of them looked up from their phone at the voice.

Stephen stood at the counter, leaning against it while sipping a cup of who knew what. The look on his face informed them that he absolutely knew where they were.

"Shit" Tony muttered, at the same time Peter let out a brisk "crap".

"Shit and crap is right. Friday said neither of you have eaten. Care to explain?" He raised a brow, bringing the cup up to his lips again.

Peter looked up at Tony for a second, Tony looking down at him as he turned back towards Strange.

"Lost track of time?" Peter grimaced, his shoulders raising slightly at the pathetic excuse.

Tony pursed his lips guiltily. Now they were definitely screwed, if Peter was using Tony's lame excuses verbatim.

Stephen looked unimpressed, setting the cup down in an oddly frightening way, "Ah yes. Honey, did you tell him to say that?".

"I am innocent here! Kid's telling the truth! A hundred percent authentic reasoning. I didn't even tell him to prepare for the weird ass magic you do when—"

As he said that there was a circle of light forming beneath Tony.

"Hey hey hey let's talk about this—"

"Should've talked about it hours ago. You know the rules".

"Can't I get a free pass?! It was a selfless act! We were chilling! Vining? Or is it vibing? Whatever the kids are calling it. There wasn't even any drugs involved! Caffeine doesn't count and he only got one—"

Tony's speech got more rushed before the light fully covered his body like a shiny cylinder. Peter could see his shoulders slump in defeat before he'd been fully covered, but one thing he did catch was Tony's reluctance to meet his eye.

"Watch this Peter".

Stephen's voice was laced with humor as the light swirled around a bit. There was a quiet, "don't", from Tony, but a Peter elected to decide that he didn't hear that as he gained anticipation for whatever was about to happen.

The light started to fade, and Peter couldn't help how wide his eyes went.

"Is that—"

"Don't. Say a word."

Peter just stared at Tony for a moment.

"His favorite one is the red and gold one" Stephen teased, crossing the room to guide Peter over to the fridge.

Peter's eyes never met the abnormally embarrassed billionaire.

"How often does he do this?" Peter asked, finally letting his eyes tear away from the man to stare curiously at Stephen, who had begun to pull out dishes to set out on the counter.

Stephen was the one who replied for Tony, who seemed too angry to speak, "used to be almost weekly before you showed up. Thought he'd finally cut out skipping meals down there. Friday always alerts him".

"Okay but a fursuit??" Peter criticized, eying the regrettably well-crafted markings on the fancy man.

Stephen barked out a laugh before he could catch himself. Tony's expression just went more sour, a sudden urge to flee the scene arising at every second.

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