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The next two weeks were mostly spent with Peter hanging out with the trio that had bonded in his absence.

It was mostly Stephen and Tony constantly monitoring Harley's contact with Peter according to the 'Peter Rules' they had apparently established while Peter was out, but they had their moments. He also found himself being more of a spectator in most of the conversations.

Not that he didn't mind. Peter actually enjoyed it. He got to watch while Tony and Harley bickered over stupid things, Stephen usually letting the insane teen get away with as much that they could get by.

By that, it mostly meant allowing Harley to at least cuddle with Peter on the couch. There were some minor stuff, but the rest was mainly food or prank related.

Anything further than hand-holding and lovey-dovey eyes involving Peter got shut down pretty quickly by either party, though. Tony was already rabid enough on their communication after some of the rancid thing that came out of Harley's mouth both inside and out of Peter's absence.

Peter was okay with it though. He got plenty of time to relax. It felt strange being back at the tower, as if everything that'd gone done was just a scary dream.

Harley had a pretty nasty scar on his left cheek. Even after constant reassurance that he was hardly even conscious before Stephen fixed it (which did not help), Peter found himself in a state of constant apologies every time they sat down.

He was also allowed back out as Spiderman. They didn't as heavily monitor him as they'd promised, but it was enough that he'd be sent home if he got a cut longer than a penny, so that was nice. It was a good stress reliever, and he'd been stopped on numerous occasions just for people to tell him thank you. It was fun.

"You know, your new tan is so fucking hot" Harley muttered lazily one morning, breaking the lack of talking that had been held in place for the past couple of minutes.

The breakfast table went silent, despite there not being much sound to begin with. Tony, Peter, and Stephen all glanced at Harley wearily, who was still zoned out on Peter out of sheer tiredness.

Peter went red.

"Harley—" Tony started.

"What?? I'm allowed to have opinions!" He defended, a mouthful of food.

Tony rubbed his face, exhausted and sighing deeply.

Stephen just chuckled to himself, focusing back on his food.

Peter was locked in a starring contest with Harley now. He knew what Harley was about to do, and the only way he had a chance of stopping him was a very subtle glare.

Harley opened his mouth.


Peter webbed him from across the table, surprising everyone.

"Peter, what was that for??" Tony launched up out of his seat, forgetting how generally harmless the fluid was once he saw Harley jolt back and nearly knock himself over.

Stephen was just covering his face with his hands, trying to hide his wheezing laughter.

Peter said nothing, getting up out of his seat and shooting out a rope of web into his hands, typing up Harley as he began to drag the teen out of the room. Tony moved to follow, but Peter shot a web to stick the man's hand to the table before he could follow.

Once secured in Peter's room, he removed the mouth covering from Harley.

"You into bondage, Parker?" Harley quipped, brushing off the rest of the web from his face with his shoulder.

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