Lab rats

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Peter had been sent to bed not long after dinner. Stephen told him he could stay up a bit after, but he didn't think that applied to five hours after.

He'd spent most of that time trying to fall asleep, but the threat of horrors filling his mind while unconscious kept him unnervingly still.

Somewhere around 2am, he'd given up, laying awake on his phone, trying to find something to occupy his wasted time. All of the usual content seemed dry though, and he didn't dare open a fanfiction app until he could confirm FRIDAY would not rat him out again.

Another hour or so of that, and he'd officially given up.

"Hey Friday?" He whispered, tossing his phone across the room to his bed.

Peter laid with his back flat against the wall, one of his legs barley brushing the ceiling from the odd diagonal angle.

"Yes, mr Parker?" She kept the similar whisper tone, the name Tony had forced her to call him really biting him in the back in revenge of the constant 'mr Stark'.

"Is anyone awake?" He let his arms fall limp downwards, gravity doings it's part and dangling them towards the floor from his semi-upside down position.

"There are 4 members of 'the dream team' awake currently, however there is only 1 from the 'quirked up white boy' gang" she informed, Peter snorting at Tony's latest label of Peter, Tony, Stephen, and Harley's little circle.

"Where is he?" Peter didn't bother being concerned at the fact that it was probably still Tony up, as he'd heard and seen evidence of the man's strange sleeping hours.

There was silence from her for a moment.

"Boss has been informed of your situation".

"What?? Why?!" He slipped from his position when he moved to sit up, dropping to the floor like a Sticky Man toy, but sped up.

"Protocol 'Sleeping Ugly' is set to inform boss of anyone past the hours of 10pm to 4am asking for his whereabouts. He mentioned it makes askers uncomfortable when they're aware he's spying on them, so they are inclined to do it less. The same action is applied at every hour of the day regardless, but he has set for me to inform the asker that he's aware at these times".

Peter, now on the floor, started scrambling for his ladder to his bed like a cat.

"Tell him I'm asleep!" He hissed, gliding up it effortlessly and throwing himself onto the mattress.

"I'm afraid you're too late for that, mr Parker" she replied solidly.

His adrenaline now spiked, he didn't doubt if Tony walked in right now he could tell Peter was awake from his audible heartbeat alone. It certainly felt that way, with how noisily it drummed in his chest.

The ominous knock came moments of guilty panic later, Peter just pulling the blanket up a little more and shutting his eyes.

"Pete, you there?" He heard a muffled call. When Peter didn't reply, their was a faint command to Friday before the door popped open.

"You awake, bud?".

Peter remained still,  imagining Tony standing idly in the room with no view on wether or not Peter's fake sleeping act would actually mean something.

"Friday told me you asked for me" he continued through the forced silence.

That lying rat.

When there still came no reply, Peter's breath hitched when he heard his ladder creaking. It was almost as audible as Tony's old man bones creaking, or at least you'd think that with how much he complained about them on his way up.

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