Secrets? Spilled. Stranger? Danger. Hotel? Travigo.

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QUICK NOTES BEFORE READING; this is a long book, please for the love of my sanity and yours, sleep lmao. It will be there tomorrow

There is TW, be careful you lovely fellows

The writing gets better over time, I swear I have improved a bit over the course of this book lol.

And finally, just kinda have fun reading it ig. I had fun writing it so it's only fair. I love reading comments, so enjoy.

(After this, there will be no more long interruptions at the start of a chapter. I promise)


Oi Ned, do you have any extra bandages? Mine ran out again and I can't find any in the usual alleyway

I was swinging around and cut my arm open on of one of those shiny new glass buildings

They really need to work on those, it's becoming a danger for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

Tony felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, startling him enough to drop the screwdriver he had just found under an interns desk.

Mumbling angrily to himself, he retrieved the phone from his pocket to examine the cause. Glancing over the texts, he had to reread them twice before soaking in the information.



Who is this?

I thought I installed a firewall on this number??


I think I typed in the wrong number...

that would explain the harder firewall, I just though my friend had upped his game.

Sorry to bother

Please don't try and kill me

I'll bite you



Woah woah woah hold up. Spider-Man, correct?






Honestly I never though someone could be so bad at lying through text

??? Changed ???'s name to Spiderboy


It Spider-Man!!


That's not what I'm seeing, it clearly says Spiderboy


Fine, in that case..

Spiderboy changed ???'s name to Blind stranger

Blind stranger

Didn't your parents ever tell you to respect your elders??


Oh boy

🎶 Time to darken the mood 🎶

~I'm an orrrppphhaaann~

Blund Stranger

As the youth say, same

Spiderboy changed Blind Stranger's name to Boomer

Wrong number :/~~Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now