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When Peter got home, he was entirely entrapped within his mind.

He had two hours to get ready for his date, and an ongoing revelation that he'd thought of Tony as 'dad'.

Like— yeah.. it was true, down to the law of things, but it didn't really.. feel like it until he'd thought about it.

Sure, they'd had family dinners, played board games, had sit-downs together and talked to one another, so on so fourth.. but like, that was just stuff people did when living in the same house together, right?

Peter plopped down on the couch, unaware of a fellow living thing being on the couch beside him.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he got.

Tony and Stephen were literally taking classes so that they could help people. They had spent who knows how long mutant teen-proofing the house and setting up rules and schedules to help him feel better. Peter learned that only he and four other people were allowed in Tony's lab unannounced, only two of them being allowed to touch things.

That was.. kind of a big deal.

Why was it always the furthest times from the occurrence when he actually thought about this sort of thing?

Peter closed his eyes, breathing out.

In the moment of silence from his mind, he felt the low buzz of someone watching him. Not from malicious intent (he hoped), but just as a blank stare.

He gave himself a second to pinpoint where his senses felt the strongest, trying to not let it be known to whoever else was in the room with him that he could tell they were there.

Peter opened his eyes and turned his head to the source swiftly, his eyes meeting with a black cat sitting two cushions down from him.

It was the one he'd seen at dinner a few months ago.. or at least he thought it was.

"Hey.." he said quietly, mostly from surprise, but also the slight hope that this cat might be like the raccoon where it could talk and stuff.

Maybe just like.. a little bit nicer though.

The cat tilted it's head the look in it's eyes remaining neutral, like any cat would do.

He nodded his head to himself, concluding it was a normal cat.

Still, a cat was a cat. He had no idea that there was a cat wondering the tower, but his fondness of cats wasn't too far from the top of the list of his favorite animals.

He scooted closer to it, careful not to seem threatening or too fast in any way. The cat shifted a bit, seemingly preparing itself to stroll off somewhere else, but evidently stayed still.

He made sure to move slower, until he was sitting right in front of it on the cushion next to it.

"What's your name?" He asked, not expecting an answer as he reached his hand out cautiously to pet it.

The cat sniffed at his hand for a moment, obviously weary, but didn't seem to object when he began to pet it.

That was an accomplishment in his book, for sure.

Soon enough, he was entering the whole cat petting routine.

This cat in particular seemed very touchy on where it liked to be pet, so Peter mostly just stuck with the head and back; aka the basics.

The mysterious cat was at that point where it was standing up and reluctantly rubbing against his hand, until it strolled over into his lap and laid down.

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