Chapter One.

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It all started with a friend request.

Now you are probably thinking what doesn't. Or you are thinking that you know nothing about me.

My name is Izzy. Not short for anything.

When my story begins I am 17 and I live in a house in London with my Dad, his fiance Camilla and my half sister Evie who I swear wants to kill me.

I have cherry red hair and I am medium height, I am not fat or thin but I hate the way I look.

My hair is natural and it makes me stand out in a crowd, not that anyone would ever be looking for me in a crowd. But hey, I have some good friends called Ada, Jamie and India. 


"Izzy! Why haven't you packed yet? We are leaving in ten minutes!" My Dad screams, staring into my empty suitcase. A look of pain in his eyes.

"I've already told you. I won't pack until you tell me where you are taking me." I say standing my ground.

He sighs, but gives in. 

"We are going to a place called Bunbury. Now go and pack."  

But packing is the last thing on my mind at the moment. I make a grab for my laptop; I want to find out more about this Bunbury place but my Dad gets there first. He gets hold of the charger and pulls  it out of the socket, causing it to break in two. 

I push him away and asses the damage. It's completley bust!

"Izzy! Pack. NOW!" He shouts. "Evie, love. Please would you take Izzy's laptop downstairs and put it on the kitchen table." He says this in a more gentle voice.

I shove some clothes into the bag and tip in my box of books. I smile. 

"Happy now?"  I ask him.

"You're going to go all the way to Bunbury in your pj's are you now?" 

I sigh and look down at what I'm wearing. Okay so I will have to get changed. 

I open up my suitcase and pull out a pair of black high waisted skinny jeans and a superman top. 

My Dad raises his eyebrows but I decide not to ask.

Just as we are about to leave Camilla shouts at me from dowstairs.

"Izzy, don't leave your laptop there. Someone will break in and steal it. Go take it upstairs. Evie, you go with her and make sure she doesn't do anything she shouldn't." She orders.

Evie daudles up the stairs infront of me and I tell her to go faster. She turns around fury burning in her eyes and grabs me by the top, she then pushes me as hard as she can down the stairs. 

I am still holding the laptop and I black out as it hits me in the head.

 Now back to the friend request buisness, I hardly ever get them. I only have about 100 friends. It was from the hottest boy in my class, he was called Zachary Finch. But this was the thing, I'd only spoken to him once. But as soon as I'd accepted he messaged me.

Hey. Was all it said. 


How are you?

Okay. I'm just getting ready to go on holiday, U?

I'm good. Where abouts are you going? My parents are making me go to some place called Bunbury.

Oh, my dad hasn't told me yet. 

Oh. Well I'll give you my number. Text me when you get there!


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