Chapter Five.

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Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story. I have decided that I will enter it into the Watty awards when it is finished. This might be next year or so. But please vote anyway. Here comes the next bit...

P.S Can anyone guess (haha that rhymed!) which boy!

As I answered the call five teenage boys came onto the screen.

Theese weren't just five normal teenage boys. They were ONE DIRECTION.

I did not painc. Or at least not on the outside, on the outside I raised an eyebrow and on the inside I was dying. How could I have been so stupid they were called Niall and Zayn.

"Hey Izzy!" They all shouted as if they had known me forever.

"I love you!" Shouted Niall. 

I raised my eyebrows as if to say, what?

"It's your skype name, Niall loves a girl who loves her food." Harry answerd for him.

Niall nodded frantically.

"So, I guess that you are on Nialls skype then." I said looking at the name.

Again with the frantic nodding from Niall.

"I'm sorry if we woke you up." Zayn commented.

"It's okay. How long had you been calling people for before you got to me?"  I asked. A bit random I know but judging by the hyper expressions on their faces they had been up for a while. Had I been the first person they had called? Or did they choose to skype me because I was nice?

"You were the fourth. The first was an old man who shouted at us for waking him up, the second was a little boy who asked if we were calling for his mummy because he was looking for her too. And the third was a middle aged very drunken man, we hung up straight away.

"I was the only girl!" I whispered as realisation hit me. They were only talking to me because I was a  girl and they were teenage boys.

"No, that's not why we chose to talk to you. You were the nicest person we've spoken to so far." Louis spoke up, obviously hearing my comment.

"And I'm glad we did speak to you." Said Liam.

I sighed.

"Hey, do you want to meet up at a costas tomorrow?" Harry asked.

I hesitated, they were probably in America or somewhere and I wouldn't be able to see them. Plus I don't exactly have anyone to give me a lift. I could ask Zachary but that would probably be a bit rude seeing as he as already saved my skin once this weekend.

"Umm, which one?" I asked after thinking way to much.

"The one across the road from your house." Zayn said after a while of thought and a lot of shuffling.

"One question, how do you know where I am?" 

"Umm, we may or may not have looked your home phone number up in the telephone book thingy." Niall says reciving glares from his fellow bandmates.

"Wait, RAINBOWS. I'm not at my house. But I'll meet you there anyway. At half eleven?" I say. I would have an hours walk to get there.

"Okay. Aren't you going to ask how we knew your home phone number?" Harry asks.

I shrug. Old tricks.

"Nah, it comes up when you call me on skype." I say and Liam looks shocked.

"You knew that!" He said.

I laugh, boys can be so silly sometimes.

"I've got to go." I tell them as Zachary walks into the room.

"See you." They all shout apart from Niall who doesn't say anything.

I log off Zachary's computer and turn to face him.

"Izzy." He says then takes a deep intake of breath. "What does your tattoo say?" 

Hey guys, thanks again for reading and fanning me.

Just had an awesome random thought, if you are on twitter you are tweeting - yes? If you are on tublr are you tumbling?

What do you think her tattoo says?

Any questions for me, requests for dedications. Just ask in the comments.

Love you guys,


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