Chapter Six.

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"Izzy." He says then takes a deep intake of breath. "What does your tattoo say?"


I gasp, well wouldn't you? The guy who's house you're staying at comes into your room at one in the morning and asks what your tattoo says.

To be honest, yes I do have a tattoo but I have no intention of telling Zachary what it says. Why would I?

"None of your buisness!" I tell him getting up out of the chair.

He looks shocked angry and sad and I really want to run over to him and give him a massive hug but I know I can't. If there's one thing I learnt from Evie it's that I have to stand my ground at all costs.

"Who were you talking to, on my laptop?" He asks and I know I have to answer, after all it is his laptop.

"Ummm, some boys I know." I tell him. Not entirely truthful I know, I guess I was leaving out the obvious fact that they were a massivley well know boyband and that they were maybe just a little bit hot.

"And you're meeting them tomorrow at costas?" Zachary asks again.

Okay so now he is getting a little bit noesy, but I nod my head anyway. What will he do about it if I am?

"I'm coming with you!" He says.

I shake my head and he frowns.

"I'll not come if you tell me what your tattoo says." He says trying to make a comprimise.

I begin to cry. 

How sad is that.

I lie down on my bed and cry.

You can call me pathetic, whatever! 

"What does it say?" Zachary asks whilst perching awkwardly on the edge of the bed.

"Why. It says why. Okay. The tatto says why!" I whisper shout.

"Why on earth would you have that written on your back." He asks.

I just lie still and don't say anything.

"Izzy. You lost your whole family tonight. Did you sneak out and get it done, like, tonight?" He suggests.

I laugh out loud at his absurd suggestion.

"I didn't loose my whole family!" I scream into the pillow, I must admit that it would have sounded very muffled to Zachary.

"You still have family alive?" He looks shocked. 

I half smile, half frown. 

The family I have left is as useful as a watermelon in the snow. They abandoned me as a baby. 

"My Mum." I tell him. Once again he looks really shocked.

"You've got to contact her and tell her that you're alive. She'll be worried sick." He wails running around the room.

Imagine this in your head and it's quite funny - right. But I must not laugh.

Holding in my giggles I begin to choke.

"You know, I really doubt she cares."

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