Chapter Three.

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"Izzy, Izzy!" The boy shouted.

I opened my eyes and nearly screamed, he was shining a flashlight into my eyes.

"Izzy, is that you?" They repeated. So they know me.

"What the..." I groaned as they started to pick me up.

"DAD come here and help me!" He shouted towards the car.

"Wait, who are you?" I hated to ask the obvious but it had to be done.

"Izzy, you don't remember? It's me, Zachary, from school." As he says this I begin to relax in his arms. Him and his Dad help me into the car and we begin to drive.

"Where are we going?" I ask after we have driven for around ten minutes.

"Home." He tells me.


Dad is gone, Camilla is gone, Evie is gone. I have no family, but I do have house keys. I reach into my pocket and pull them out.

"No, silly. You're going to stay at my home." He remarks, eyeing the keys suspiciously.

I nod.

"You said you were here with your parents. Plural. Yet only your Dad is in the car. Where's your Mum?" I ask.

He has tears in his eyes.

"Sh-She disappeared tonight, so did my sister." He mumbled. "What about you?" 

"My Dad, Step-Mum and sister did too." I tell him without an ounce of emotion in my voice.

"You're not sad?" He says frowning, I have to say that frowning does not suit him at all.

"Nope!" I exclaim, having to restrain myself from popping the p.

We travel for the rest of the journey in silence. I tell myself not to go to sleep, I might have another dream and belive me when I say that  is the last thing I want right now.

"Izzy. We're here now." Someone whispers in my ear and I guess it must be Zachary.

"Wh-what!" I say, forcing my eyes to open. I must have fallen asleep after all.

I looked around at the lights of the city which I called my home, it was good to be back. No more countryside for me - thank you very much.

My first thoughts when I woke up were to call my friends; I dialled Ada's number. As I was doing so Zachary crept up behind me. 

"Are you calling your Mum?" He asked, pain running through his voice.

"Ummm, no." I say putting my phone away."I don't have her number." I tell him.

He looks shocked. But even so he takes my hand and leads me into his house.

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