Chapter Eight. Part 2.

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“Would you and, ummm, your cousin, like to come and live with me- I mean us?”

I sigh.

“Niall lovie, you don’t know anything about me.” I tell him. I want to cry.

“Harry does.” He mutters but I hear him all the same and it makes me think - would Niall and the boys really want to have me and my five year old cousin? (She was one when she was left with me - I was thirteen.) No.

“There must be some other reason.” I think out loud.

“Maybe there is.” He sighs, and turns away from me.

It is now that I notice how close we really were.

Oh Niall.

“Although I really need somewhere to stay!” I blurt out. This makes him smile.

“Oh Izzy, please. Please come and live with us!” He wails.

“I will. But we have some jobs to do first.”

He jumps up off the bench and grabs my hand pulling me all the way back to the cafe where a very interesting scene awaits us.

They’ve all ordered drinks.

Still in their pairs this is what they are doing.

Ada is sitting on a chair whilst Harry sits on the floor and she is plaiting his hair in around fifty mini plaits - they both look very happy.

Jamie and Zayn have got a guitar from somewhere and are writing a song. Whilst staring lovingly into each others eyes. They both look very happy.

India and Liam had uploaded sherlock episodes onto Liams phone, and India was sitting on Liams knee. I swear I’d just seen them kiss. They both look very happy.

And Ocean and Louis are having a full on poke war running around the cafe destroying anything that gets in their way.

It is Louis who spots us first.

“THEY HAVE RETURNED!!!” He shouts to everyone in the room.

Who all stare at us. As if we have been doing something we shouldn’t.

Although, I can see how it looks this way.

“What - NO! We went on a walk. I’m just going to leave with Izzy. We’re going to her house to collect some things.” Niall explains.

“Things - why?” Harry asks.

“Oh, Izzy is going to be moving in for a while.” Niall continues before dragging me out of the cafe.

Once we get into the car I give him directions to Zacharys house - I walk in the door, grab my bag and walk back out again without another word.

When we get to my house I grab some essentials and Niall comes in to help me. We carry them back to the car.

He takes me to the childminders.

“Izzy, you’ve come for Callie! I was just about to call you!” The childminder tells me as we all walk into the lounge.

Callie runs up to me and gives me the biggest of hugs.

Niall smiles.

“Who’s that boy?” She whispers pointing to Niall.

“That’s Niall.” I tell her.

She runs up to him and gives him a hug.

“Hello Niall!” She chirps.

“Hey sweetie.”

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