Chapter Two.

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"Izzy! Wake up it's teatime." My Dad called from the other side of the boat.

Wait. BOAT.

"DAD!" I screamed."Why am I on a boat?" 

"Oh, well you blacked out but we managed to get you into the car and then once we got here we lay you on the sofa and you've been there for three hours." He said in one breath.

"When we got here. WHERE IS HERE?" I screamed. Okay so I might have been panicking a little bit. Or a lot.

"It's a place called Bunbury - remember?" He says, begining to get annoyed.

I do remember, Bunbury. That's where Zachary was going, I'd completley forgotten that Dad had told me where we were going. 

I quickly pulled out my phone to tell him, maybe we could meet up.

"Ahahaha, no phones." Evie shouts so I put it away to avoid any arguments.

I get up and get a babybel from the fridge and eat it quickly, lie down and try to go back to sleep.

I dream that I am still on the boat, but I'm alone. I hear thunder and I crouch down, the rain starts to fall more heavily now and I see a gaping hole in the side of the boat. To make matters worse the wind starts to blow the boat back and forward, I can't stand still for a second.

I run into Evie's room to see if she is gone too. There is no-one there. I am alone on a boat in a storm. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone - no signal. I begin to cry, I rush back towards my bed and bundle myself up in the duvet.

I wake up and feel a hot tear running slowly down my cheek. It was just a dream I tell myself as I get up out of bed to check if Dad, Camilla and Evie are still on the boat. 

I walk into Dad's room. Empty.

I check the bathrooms. Empty.

Evie's room. Empty.

I begin to laugh out loud. They really are gone. It wasn't a dream.

It wasn't a dream. 

That means that there is a massive storm going on. I walk cautiously towards the window and take a peek outside. Sure enough the sky was cloudy and dark and the water in the canal was anything but still, the rain sounded like bullets as it hit the boat.

I gather my bedding and belongings and chuck them onto the land, we are moored in a hedge. I take the risk and jump, covering myself in scrapes as I land with a thud in a rose bush. I am now very, very stuck. 

I manage to unhook the thorns from my clothing one by one and eventually I am out of the bushes clutch. 

Where  should I go now?

What should I do?

Both of my questions are answered at once as a lorry drives past on a road.

So there is a road nearby which I plan to get to. I begin to climb up the bank of the canal and towards the road.

By the time I get there I feel like I have been climbing for hours, and maybe I have. I pull my suitcase over the last part and sit on it at the edge of the road waiting for a vehicle to pass.

"Dad, stop. That person I think I know them." I boy shouts from inside one of the passing cars. 

As he climbs out I see he must be about my age and quite tall. I begin to feel drowsy and can't remember much more.

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