Chapter Seven.

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So, no reads on the last chapter. :( Anyhoooo. I must get one direction into my stories or no-one will ever read them again!!! Okay so nothing much happened in the last chapter but this one is a bit more exciting! I drempt it so it will probably be completley crazy and make no sense. Please tell me what you think about it.

I am going to dedicate this chapter to someone random so - Dear Random person... THIS IS TOTALLY RANDOM!!! 

And to the rest of you - THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

Despite mine and Zacharys deal about the tattoo and costa coffee, he still comes with me to meet the boys.

You have no idea how it feels to think that.

The boys.

I mean we've never really met.

"Umm, Izzy! We're here." Zachary says waving at me to try to get my attention. I step out of the car calmly without saying another word.

He is still staring at me as I walk into the coatas.

Random fact - I am wearing high heeled boots, black tights and a floaty dress with butterflies on. Everyone is staring at me because it is in fact December.

I spot the boys staight away and I stand there awkwardly until they see me.

Louis spots me first and jups up very quickly and runs over to me, nearly knocking me down.

"Izzy?" He says questioningly, not sure if that is a word byu he asks me with a question to his voice. Why does he have a question to his voice.

Had he forgotten that he was meeting me.


Louis just stands there laughing at my facial expressions whilst the other boys come over.

Liam comes first and shakes my hand awkwardly, I smile. He grins back.

Zayn nods and mumbles a hi.

Niall comes over and gives me a quick hug before going to the counter to order some food. Which to be honest I wish I was doing too.

Harry just stands there staring at me.

I knew this would happen, you see. My name is Izzy Luck. And my Dad is James Luck. My Mum however is Caroline Flack.

I lived with my Dad until I was sixteen and then I got a phone call from my Mum asking if I would like to come and live with her and her new boyfriend.

I accepted.

Her boyfriend was Harry Styles.

After about an hour we became best friends, like brothers and sisters. 

Then it went wrong.

Mum hated me, she started threatening me and hitting me.

When Harry confronted her they broke up.

He asked if I wanted to come and live with him but I declined, deciding to stay with my Mum.

After about a month of hell I run back to my Dad.

Back to reality -  Harry is just standing there staring at me.

The other boys are just staring at Harry.

I see a tear slip from his left eye and he full on sprints towards me giving me a massive bone crushing hug. I laugh and realise how this might look from other peoples perspective.

Then I continue crying.

"I - I didn't recognise you. I thought you were dead!" He whispers gently into my ear and we stand there crying silent tears. 

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