Chapter Four.

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I felt like I needed to run from Zachary despite him helping me. I felt like I would have been safer on my own, but it's too late now. At the moment I am half asleep in Zacharys spare bedroom.

My phone begins to ring. 

"Hello." I say, my voice breaking as I do so.

"We've got one!" Shouts the person on the other end, I hear shuffling and muttering in the background.

"You've got one what? Wait, who the hell are you?" I ask. 

Then I hear laughter from the end of the phone.

"Nothing, love. I'm Zayn." He tells me.


"Well, we were just looking for someone to talk to." Someone else says grabbing the phone.

"At one in the morning?" I ask. I am not nice when I am sleepy.

"I like this kid!" Someone shouts in the background. "We were very bored." Zayn says resuming hold on the phone.

"I can tell." I say laughing.

"Sooooo, what's your name?" Someone asks in a very broad irish accent.

"Um, I'm Izzy. And you are...?" I tell him.

"Niall." He says.

"Wait!" Another person says."Go on skype."

I heave myself up off the bed and sit at the computer. I fix my hair. Then there are more voices then I think it was Niall shouts.

"What's your skype name?" 

"Bringonthepizza. One word, no capitals." I say.

More laughter. 

I open up skype on the computer and log out of Zacharys account. As soon as I am logged into mine I see that I have an incoming call from 'nandosmyfriend'. I laugh and then accept.

Okay so here is Chapter four, thank you to everyone who commented. But I didn't get any requests for dedications.  

So if you want one just comment and ask me. I will try to give you one. 

I don't know if my story will be valid to enter the 2013 watty awards because I know it's too late for the 2012 ones. 

Comment if you think I should enter - or not.

I know you guys probably can guess who was on the phone, but can anyone guess what will happen next. If you do I will read your most recent story, comment and vote and of course fan you.

Keep on loving pizza,

Lunar x

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